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Hi everyone! Here is our most current January Schedule! Mom really wanted to watch Puss in Boots and we did get a lot of YouTube requests for it... so we decided to watch that this week. We were going to watch another movie, but poor Mom still has a decent cough, so we cancelled the second movie. She is feeling better though, so thanks for asking!

Hope you all are doing well! It's pretty warm and rainy here in New England! Doesn't feel like winter even though we did have a quick snow squall yesterday!



Matthew Richson

We talking about the first Puss in Boots or the new one? Cause the latter is the one everyone’s raving about.

Joel Miller

More animation. Meh.


When does YouTube request win over paying patreon voters?

Aaron Barlow

Looking forward to True lies! Finally! Also love 'Wednesday'.


Hi! A lot of Patrons requested for Puss in Boots too the last couple months! Almost most of our reactions are Patreon request, but we have to pay attention to our YouTube fans as well, otherwise we don't bring in new subscribers and our channel has been declining dramatically the last 2 years because we haven't been paying attention as much to our YouTube requests. We appreciate everyone being here and it truly means a lot... but it's ok if we watch something that we want to watch too. We hardly make any money from this and do it mainly out of love and the fun of it. Thank you for understanding and I hope you can enjoy Puss in Boots with us! If not, we have a huge library of movies and shows reactions in our Google Drive Library. Thank you!


Thank you Aaron! I'm excited to see True Lies too! We are enjoying Wednesday a lot!!


Hi Matthew! The first Puss in Boots since Mom and Kim haven't seen it! Because of popular request now, we decided to watch The Last Wish soon too!


Sorry Joel! We haven't watched animations at all really the last few months. Most of our Patrons and YouTube fans are animation fans and have been reaching out to us that we haven't been watching any animations lately. :)


Hi RW! We aren't sure yet, sorry! Right now, I'll have to say no. We never committed to it, but we do hope to watch it sometime soon! Right now, I can't afford another editor, so I'm doing almost everything myself... and I'm maxed out with our current reactions. Thanks for understanding! That's the best answer I can give right now.