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Welcome to the POLL LINEUP for the month of January! Please look at the schedule below.

The Genre theme for this month will be Action

Every Monday after the first week of the month- There will be POLLS to VOTE from and to make REQUESTS!

REQUESTS made on our POLLS makes it a lot easier for us to find and add to our LIST!

Feel free to make REQUESTS in the comments below!

Monthly POLL line up:

1st Monday-

REQUESTS Only (Request here in comments below)

Give us your Live Action and Animated requests for the genre that was selected for the month and also give us your regular requests as well for the other POLLs later in the month.

2nd Monday-

Genre Specific Movie POLL (Live Action & Animation)

3rd Monday-

Live Action Movie POLL

4th Monday-

Wild Card POLL (mix of live action and animated movies and maybe a brand new movie)

Genre Selection Poll- Choose next months genre theme for the Genre Specific POLL!!

Any extra weeks in the month will be filled with another Wild Card POLL!!

We are open minded to changes as we use your advice and ideas for guidance. There are very diverse opinions about all POLLS, so we have been trying our best to make this fun for all of us!

Thanks for your support and for being a fan!



Action: Man on Fire (2004) Other good action choices: Training Day (2001) Two Guns (2013) Army of The Dead (2021)


Action: The Northman, 300, Rocky IV Other movies: Parasite, Dead Poets Society, The Disaster Artist, The Wizard of Oz, Little Women (2019)


Action request: SUPERCOP 1992. It stars Jackie Chan and Michelle Yeoh of Marvel and Everything Everywhere All At Once fame! So you know there will be lots of Action AND Comedy! You guys love Jackie Chan and you haven't reacted to a Jackie Chan movie in a long time!

Project Mayhem

Reservoir Dogs, the hateful eight, once upon a time in hollywood, no country for old men, Fargo, the big lebowski, there will be blood. 2001: a space odyssey. Us(jordan peele). The secret of NIMH. an american tail. Howls moving castle. Castle in the sky.

Shyam Nair

Rain Man, Gran Torino, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Apollo 13, Moneyball


Fight Club, Labryrinth, Mars Attacks, Baby Driver, Se7en, Burn After Reading, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Amadeus.


Mr & Mrs Smith, Constantine, Sicario, Honey I Shrunk The Kids, Eagle Eye, Limitless.


Action Movie Requests Predators (2010) Commando (1985) Conan The Barbarian (1982) Starship Trooper’s (1997) 300 (2006)


Indiana Jones and the kingdom of the crystal skull (action/ adventure 2008) Ghost rider (2007) shrek forever after (2010) Scooby doo (2002)