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Happy New Year!

I will be putting up our new schedule later this week! We have a busy week of reacting (fun!) ahead of us! Our Movie Tier will be disappearing soon too, so be sure to subscribe to it now before it does! Our ALL FULL Reactions Tier will stay the same, so you'll have to subscribe there for movies once the movie tier goes away.

I may experiment with the overall look of our Patreon page, so you may see banners and tier pictures change this month :)

Hope you had a great New Years Eve! We are doing good here! Colds are going around our families, so we hope you are staying healthy and happy!

We did watch the first episode of Wednesday! That was great! I'm going to work that into my editing time this week!

Have a great day everyone! Love you all!

~Dawn (Storm)

Oh! I know some channels have names for their fans... should we have a group name for our followers? Like Stormies? LOL! I don't want to copy anyone else, but I wasn't sure if that was a thing or not? Any ideas? Thanks!



Happy New Year!!! I wouldn't mind being a Stormie 😅 We could also be Storm Breakers, Thunderbolts (Marvel References 😉), or hurricanes. Couldn't really come up with anything clever.