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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! We love the "Clause' name in the title. Don't scare Santa Claus! LOL!

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Okay so the previous Santa Claus didnt just die on accident. This is going to be a long comment but bear with me. The Santa Clause focuses on Scott Calvin, who causes Santa Claus to fall off his roof to his death. Scott then assumes the role of Santa Claus after being subject to 'The Santa Clause', which states: "The Santa Clause: In putting on the suit and entering the sleigh, the wearer waives any and all rights to any previous identity, real or implied, and fully accepts the duties and responsibilities of Santa Claus in perpetuity until such time that wearer becomes unable to do so by either accident or design." The past Santa was killed by an accident by design. This Santa did not fall off the roof after Scott startled him, but rather made a planned suicide look like an accident by pinning it on Scott. The idea that Santa would die from an accidental roof startle is absurd: - A veteran Santa would have known how to move across a roof without waking up the people underneath. Scott figures out how his first night on the job. - The sack of toys allows Santa to float from sleigh to chimney without touching the ground, even without a chimney. Santa on Scott's roof had no reason to be standing on the snow covered roof if he didn't mean to kill himself. - It doesn't make sense that someone who has been Santa for so long would die doing something as routine as delivering toys. On Scott's first night, he accidentally wakes up children and gun wielding parents and still manages to escape. A veteran Santa wouldn't slip up so carelessly unless he meant to kill themselves. Santa Claus obviously no longer wished to be Santa Claus, and he knew that death was the fastest escape from the role. However, he had some sense of responsibility to pass the job to Scott Calvin while escaping from it himself. Scott Calvin, upon examination, was the perfect choice for a Santa Claus. While the original Santa may have killed himself, he was obviously intentional in doing so and passing the role to Scott Calvin of all people. - Scott is insistent that children should believe in Santa Claus. Before becoming Santa, he rebukes his ex-wife and new husband for implying that Santa Claus didn't exist to their son. - Scott says several times that he believes in Santa Claus, and while some assume he was lying, he never denies it. He denies his son's assertion that Santa is a myth multiple times during the movie. - In the opening seen of the movie, we see Scott at an office Christmas party, where we learn that HE WORKS FOR A TOY COMPANY. His company is celebrating Scott's role in developing a new, highly successful toy for children, the 'do it all dolly'. He and one other person also work as the "Midwestern marketing and distribution team". So his job prior to becoming Santa Claus was to develop and deliver toys to children, making him a more than suitable choice to become the next Santa Claus. The death of the first Santa, and Scott replacing him was no accident. This was a meticulously planned suicide by the first Santa, knowing the the North Pole would function very well under the leadership of Scott Calvin. Plus Bernard could see Santa on the snow globe he gave to Charlie on their first trip. He would have notified everyone and been ready to begin the onboarding process on arrival. Since the elves are so old, and Santa is obviously mortal, they'd have gone through a bunch of these. This would also make sence why the elves didnt mourn him. They already knew of the plan. I loved your reaction and i always enjoy you reacting to Holiday films. All you ladies are always full of joy and happiness watching these. I love that.

Raven Dark

OMGOSH, I love this theory. It makes so much sense. Come to think of it, it did sort of seem like Bernard knew ahead of time. There's a look he gives Scott when he's arguing with him that's sort of like a smirk. Like he saw it coming. That's really cool.


Please watch the rest of the movies and start the TV series. The Show goes in an interesting direction, I didn't think they'd have the guts. I'm a firm believer this Franchise takes the Spirit and Origins of 'Santa Claus' and writes it in a natural and believable way. The world-building is pretty wild for a story of this genre so I won't say anything else because it'd be spoiling your potential experience.


Yes exactly! And i think they all thought he would be the perfect Santa Claus because when Scott and Charlie came down on the sleigh into the workshop, you see Bernard leaning against a pole with a big smirk. Maybe you should look at that moment again because i cant put an imagine here, but that smirk says SO much!


The Santa Clause 2 next please!!!

Raven Dark

Did any of you notice that some of the kids at the start who were looking at the toy shops also had pointed ears? I only caught that after seeing the movie several times. Great reaction, guys. I also hope you'll react to the sequel. It's just as good, and personally, I actually enjoy it slightly more. I'd like to make another Christmas recommendation. You should react to Santa Claus The Movie, from the 80s. It's actually kind of a similar idea, but with a slightly more serious, fairytale-ish bent. Well, serious maybe isn't the word, but the focus isn't as much on the comedy.