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Thank you once again for all of the great suggestions and requests! Please bear with us as we try out these new polls, we realize tweaks need to be made to the request post and we will fix that for next month. Keep an eye out for the "What Genre will we watch?" POLL to come out towards the end of this month.

Not all of the movies are listed below but some of the more requested titles are mentioned. Enjoy!

Vote on a movie below and help choose a winner!

We will be skipping the genre selection poll for December and going with the Christmas theme, just an early FYI!

Please keep in mind that most requested movies we are blind to. We don't know exactly what genre or how popular most movies are and rely on your comments to help guide us.

Thank you all for your support and happy voting!



Yay! The movie I want most is winning(even though Storm already saw it). But I feel like Kimmy will really like it. It's the film which instantly gave me the ability to love horror movies more than I ever did. I had to give a second and third vote to little shop and tremors though because they're both classics.

Aaron Barlow

A rewatch of IT is winning? Really? And Scream 3 over American werewolf in London? SMH


Aw, none of my suggestions made it. An IT re-watch, though? Really? There is a huge backlog of classic movies still not seen on this channel and we are doing re-watches already?


IT series is my favorite. I'm glad that it's winning the poll.


Stop voting for re-watches people


You don't have to wait for it to a win this poll, there's already a Storm Akima reaction to it, its in their library. You can go ahead and watch it right now.


I know that. Of course I'm talking about Kim and mom's reaction.

Michaela Talley

it's not really a re-watch, there's many movies or tv shows that Storm has seen, and mom and Kimmy haven't. It's a good movie :)


Yes, but there are even MORE movies or TV shows that all 3 haven't seen that are long over due for re-watches to be taking up spots from them already.

Joel Miller

I’m not a fan of it either. This is a reaction channel, not a rewatch channel.

Michaela Talley

a reaction is a reaction, rewatchor not especially when 2/3 haven’t watched it yet

Joel Miller

It opened a can of worms. I saw someone suggested a Star Wars Episode I rewatch. Andor being weekly is enough.


Those not wanting them to watch IT would be depriving themselves of an INSANE amount of jump scares from both Mom and Kimmy who have absolutely not seen IT. Plus is a great Stephen King story. It also sets the stage for them to have a chance to complete the story and incentivize people to possibly request IT Part Two. I'd love for them to just watch Chapter Two, but since Mom and Kim haven't seen Part 1, a rewatch makes sense. Part of what made me keep watching this channel was how much Kim just started kicking air and jumping out of her chair at some of the films she watched when this channel first started, hahaha. I feel like those writing it off as just rewatching it again without any specific details of how or why don't really understand what they're talking about or are uninformed, or maybe a limited attention span.


Stop? This is the first time in a while only one of them has already seen in a long time that I'm aware of. Only ONE of them has already seen it. Storm reacted to this with other people in the past because they thought Mom and Kimmy couldn't take it.


May want to do some research into what you're talking about. The channel is Storm, Mom, and Kim for most movies. More than half of them haven't seen it. It's a fantastic movie, and you wanting them to not watch one of the ONLY good horror films of the past 10 years is really weird.


Nothing opened a can of worms. That idea came from THEM. For YEARS now. They've literally been talking about rewatching the Star Wars films for years now because they have so much more context after Clone Wars, Rebels, etc and they enjoyed the story so much.


Uninformed? The topic is reaction videos. You're making yourself sound silly with the snooty dismissal approach here. The point isn't about who watched it, or who didn't it and/or wouldn't it be nice if an old reaction missing Kim or Mom were watched again by either or both, its that now is not the time for re-watches. Re-watches are best when so much new material has been covered that a revisit or two is warranted, when in Storm Akima that couldn't be the furthest thing from the truth. This is one of the oldest reaction channels still going that has covered the least in the number of popular classics and amount of diverse styles of movies combined in the world of movie reactions and that also has lost a terrible deal of momentum. They just now reacted to The Exorcist and The Godfather 6 years after they first started doing reactions on YouTube and other channels that are 2 years old doing the same this year have over 3 times to over 5 times the views. One of the reasons is because they started off with all the popular classics and continued that momentum instead of working against it. These channels often have a Jaws and a Back To The Future, for example, separated by mere weeks, or at worse a month or 2. In Storm Akima, meanwhile, these movies are distanced apart by 2 whole years. There are so many channels that have exploded just in 2 years time doing this, meanwhile Storm Akima has sadly actually lost momentum and lost support. Storm Akima IMO is one of the best if not the best when it comes to genuine AND fun group reaction channels out there (they are the only channel thus far whose FULL LENGTH reactions I enjoy and love coming back to year round, just like the actual movies themselves) and I think its sad that a large segment of their Patreon supporters don't realize they are doing more harm than good with approaches like this when it comes to the polls that directly work against them growing and keeping an audience.

jonathan Edge

Hey people. Instead of complaining and whining about what people are choosing them to do and not what you want them to do. How about you just let the rest of us have what we chose in the vote and just sit back and enjoy. You have to respect what people are voting for , instead of whining , complaining and trying to tear down what people are voting for , in favor of something else . Respect the vote .

Joel Miller

It’s not complaining; It’s constructive criticism. Someone suggested Star Wars Episode I rewatch for no reason.I think rewatching movies isn’t good for a reaction channel. No one is complaining, they are voicing their opinion (especially since Storm and everyone listened to feedback.)

Joel Miller

It’s a rewatch. To be fair, 2/3 could’ve seen it off screen.

Michaela Talley

that could be said for other shows or movies Storm has seen herself but the other two haven’t 🤷🏾‍♀️


You call wanting whats best for the channel whining? Whining is what the other side is doing, along with attacking with insults - speaking of a lack of respect.


I can't believe you guys are voting for movie that was already watched on this channel. What happen to child's play?...that had some decent votes in.


They've already reacted to a bunch of movies Storm's already seen, or seen most of. Original TMNT Movie hasn't won a poll yet, but often gets a good amount of votes every once in a while when Storm's already seen that. Nobody objected. I could be mistaken but I think original Jumanji was the most recent she'd already seen, and a few others before that which slip my mind. Why's this one suddenly a big deal?


It really shouldn't be difficult to understand the difference. For starters, Dawn saw those away from the channel and many times before the channel existed or before it became a reaction channell and didn't record and upload a reaction to them as part of a Storm Akima group channel reaction (even if it wasn't Kim or Mom or Tom, it was still a Storm Akima group reaction.) Secondly, and this really should go without saying: the proper reaction videos to those movies Dawn or Kim and Mom had seen before were not re-watches/re-reactions taking up poll spots and reaction recording and uploading time from other non-reacted to movies that are long over due.


Hi all! It looks like IT won the poll this time around! To clear up any confusion- Mom and Kim have NOT seen IT and know nothing about it, so it'll still be a blind reaction to them. I watched IT on the channel with Nikole and Li a long time ago. Thanks for voting!! xoxo

Michaela Talley

It's not really taking up spots though, it's just one movie out of one week and it was fairly voted on. Unfortunately, can't please everyone but a least there are people who will enjoy it!