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We enjoyed Aliens and Predator and now we are watching Prey thanks to so many of our fans requesting this and voting for it on our Patreon. Thank you!

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This would've been amazing to see on the big screen.

Aaron Barlow

Great movie. It was a bit unrealistic how she could kill 4 full grown men at once and take on a Predator in armed hand to hand. It was even unrealistic how well her brother did in hand to hand against it before he died. At least with Arnie he was a 260 pound muscular elite special forces soldier so slightly more believable despite some conveniences like the mud (which would warm up with body heat quickly). And even then he got his as kicked in hand to hand. I guess the feminist message along with 'white man bad' messaging take priority. Despite that it was a great movie. The Predator vs Grizzly scene was the best part for me.

Gaël Twité

This isn’t a documentary. Why expect realistic scenarios for a fictional alien creature. This particular predator is proven to be inexperienced against humans. Plus if you don’t like female protagonists, that’s your problem. Them portraying imperialist colonisers is accurate. White man can never do any or haven’t done wrongdoing apparently

Aaron Barlow

It's still set in the world we know with physical and biological laws. When such laws are broken or ignored then it breaks our immersion. I understand the need to bring about a set of advantageous circumstances and conveniences for the plot to happen, I'm just pointing out the stretching of believability. For example, I loved 'Independence day' but the ability of Jeff Goldblum's character to interface with and hack an alien computer system was absurd. As for the colonials, they were portrayed as cartoonish villainous, evil scumbags, virtual strawmen. Of course such men existed but it seems to tick a woke box and is a consistent theme throughout movies when in reality there were good and bad colonisers like any group. Granted the translator guy seemed OK. After all Native American tribes often fought and killed each other and took their land, it's a common occurrence in every race throughout history. Europeans just happened to have the superior weapons.


It seems kind of silly to complain that this movie ticks the "woke box" by showing the settlers as bad, when in the first Predator, the heroes killed all the guerillas pretty indiscriminately while the audience cheered on Arnie's one-liners. That movie didn't exactly try to provide a fair and balanced view of all parties either.

Aaron Barlow

It seems silly to compare the soldiers to the settlers, they were doing what soldiers do, their job. They weren't exhibiting evil, sadistic traits, they didn't torture or rape Anna. The movie also didn't portray the indigenous as evil either, so I'm not sure what you're on about. The settlers were OTT assholes, torturing Comanche, skinning buffalo and leaving the meat. I am glad they showed the translator to be an OK guy. I guess they were French though....damn frogs ;)

Kage Uzumaki

ive seen a woman take out a couple guys anything is possible with training


That is not really true... I mean, there is a reason all sports stop having mixed sex competition after a certain age. I remember how shocked I was when I saw the US Women's Soccer team lose to a team of high school boys. Even Serena Williams,who is stronger than most women says she wouldn't want to compete with men because they serve harder and are a lot faster.


Well, its like my self defense instructor told me: every little bit of you knowing more than your attacker helps and learning and studying any variety of mixed martial arts doesn't hurt, but in the end 9 times out of 10 a man is going to be bigger and stronger than a woman, especially one looking to prey upon you and 10 times out of 10 in any situation where strength and weight has a significant say on the outcome, strength and weight will win and the best thing to focus on is how to disengage from the threat and flee. And it was eye opening when in a demonstration between a guy attacker that was a new student pit against a brown belt Brazilian jiu jitsu and senior judo practitioner female resulted in her not being able to do anything with the guy when he was placed in a basic pinning hold over the woman and just told to drop all his weight on her. She was pinned and that was it, there was nothing else she could do as hard as she tried - meanwhile, to further drive in the point a male practitioner in the same hold was able to rather shockingly easily maneuver the guys weight around from on top of him, get out of the hold and put the attacker in his own submission hold. The point he said was to show that while there may be variables and possibilities at the initial start of a confrontation any prolonged engagement will always side with the male attacker. We were made to focus on quick evasive and defensive maneuvers and quick temporarily incapacitating attacks on the eyes, groin and throat. It was also emphasized to not be afraid to bite and bite hard as necessary. The goal for us was not to focus on trying to defeat the man, but to get away from him as quickly as possible. And this, combined with what I have witnessed and heard from professional athletes on the subject have made it stick with me the importance of always knowing your limitations. Its just an unavoidable truth that men and women are just built different.