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We have another offer you can't refuse. LOL. We recently saw The Godfather on our channel and here we are already watching Part II thanks to our fans. Love you all! Also, because this movie was so long, we could only watch one movie this week. Prey will be next week! Thanks for requesting and watching with us!

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Shehab Dawoud

So, you liked the first one more. Totally understandable. I think most people like Part 1 the most the first time they watch the two. You have to watch Part 2 several times to truly appreciate it and prefer it to Part 1. I think Part 1 is a more rewatchable film, and Part 2 is a better film if that makes sense. It's such a complex film. So many locations, so many moving parts, characters, and business deals/arrangements. But the chess match between Michael and Roth is what gives it the edge for me. You're never completely sure about what's going on and what Michael is really thinking. You're never sure about who really has the upper hand because it looked like it was going back and forth throughout the film, and just when you think Roth has won, Michael pulls out the last ace up his sleeve. Fascinating stuff. Another reason why I think this is the greatest film of all time is that features arguably the greatest performance of all time, Pacino's. We see so many different sides to him. The calm businessman, the loving father, husband, brother, son, and friend, the menacing mob boss with the death stare always eyeing people up, studying them, plotting his next move. His outbursts as well, truly terrifying. And then at the end of the film in the flashback, he somehow transitions back to being the Mike we saw early on in Part 1, the good son, lowkey, you can barely hear him when he talks. After 3 hours + the last hour of Part 1 of Pacino having evolved, for him to slip back into that personality is incredible. De Niro's performance is not far behind either. For him to play a young Marlon Brando playing a young Vito Corleone as well as anyone could, he cemented his place as the next big thing. The body language, mannerisms, facial expressions, the way he talks, just spot on. Now, you obviously have to watch Part 3 even though it's a significant step down in quality and was more of a money grab than anything. But you have to conclude the story now. I highly recommend the original theatrical version called 'The Godfather Part 3', and not the re-edited cut that came out a few years ago called 'Coda: The Death of Michael Corleone'. The people who've seen both should know why I say this. This was the first time Pacino and De Niro were in the same film together, but obviously not in the same scene. If you want to see them acting opposite of each other, you have to check out Heat (1995), one of my absolute favorites. Pacino and De Niro face to face as cops vs robbers in an intriguing cat-and-mouse plot, with great drama and the greatest shootout scene ever. Please, it's been long overdue. Good job, ladies!


I remember we watched this in a Movie Crit class I had & it was absolute torture lol

Shehab Dawoud

You should’ve taken another class then. Film clearly isn't first you.

Shehab Dawoud

I'm the only one to comment so far. Why is that? Do people not like this film? I mean, it won a poll so quite a few must like it. Or is it just because of a lack of interaction between the host(s) and the Patrons? Personally, what I enjoy about being part of other Patreon communities is the interaction, not only with the host but also between subscribers.


You're right that there isn't as much discussion on this channel compared to some others. (Especially under posted reactions.) It's possible the lack of feedback from the channel itself contributes to this. (Though lately, I think they've stepped the interaction up a bit.) People like knowing that what they say is being listened to. When there's no indication that anyone is reading, it feels kind of like a waste of time just talking into the wind. I personally most care that the ladies know things BEFORE they watch a movie. Yes, I feel that a little context enhances the movie experience. But I also figure there's zero chance they'll research movies *after* they've already reacted to them (especially Mom and Kim), so providing info beforehand is the only way to go. I'm kind of hoping/assuming that whatever interesting info we post here prior to them watching a movie is being relayed to Mom/Kim.


I loved your reaction ladies! 🌹🌹🌹 Just some random suggestions for sometime in the near future Scarface Al Pacino, Troy 2004 Brad Pitt 😁


During the scene with Sonny and the flashback, I had a huge grin the whole time. James Khan was one of the best parts of the original film, I love his character and performance. It really shows you the parallel with how much Michael had changed throughout the second film, how cold he's become and all alone.


What reaction channel are you a patron of that engages in deep discussion about film with their patrons? I ask because that would be a novelty for me as I have not experienced that ever and I have patroned and unpatroned (to make up a word) several. Interaction? Sure, but, I have never experienced anything further than I have receive here; in many cases I have received more interaction here than in others, maybe not in frequency, but definitely in receiving more than one or two sentences in response, especially on the actual Patreon message board.