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Update*: I noticed after this poll got published that the ladies already watched Conjuring 2, if you guys want we can make that The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do it. Just a thought, of course we can deal with that if it wins. Happy voting! 

Thank you once again for all of the great suggestions and requests! Please bear with us as we try out these new polls, we realize tweaks need to be made to the request post and we will fix that for next month. Keep an eye out for the "What Genre will we watch?" POLL to come out towards the end of this month.

Not all of the movies are listed below but some of the more requested titles are mentioned. Enjoy!

Vote on a movie below and help choose a winner!

Please keep in mind that most requested movies we are blind to. We don't know exactly what genre or how popular most movies are and rely on your comments to help guide us.

Thank you all for your support and happy voting!



You guys are really going to let another year go by without a reaction to The Exorcist? A movie that most popular reaction channels have covered in their first 2 years of existence? Storm Akima has been doing reactions for over half a decade and they just a couple of weeks ago got to The Godfather, another movie that most popular reaction channels cover within their first 2 years. I love animations, I love the Addams Family movies, I love 80s movies, but you guys that vote really aren't helping this channel diversify and broaden their reach of viewers enough. It seems to take years here to get one movie that isn't par for the course for this group, like a pre 80s all time masterpiece classic like The Godfather. And I say this as someone that doesn't even have it in my Top 5 of all time personal favorite movies. A pattern like that does not help diversify and grow a channel. Lets try to keep this in mind when we do our voting, especially since membership loss has never been worse for this channel since this year.

Shehab Dawoud

Some of us have been voicing our frustration(s) for years. Things are at least starting to look better with genre polls but there's still a while to go for this channel to be truly diverse.


I'm really surprised by the underperformance of Ghostbusters Afterlife after how many requests it got in the last suggestions poll.


They probably seen the exorcist already....it's time for the Adam's to win.


The Exorcist has appeared on Storm Akima polls for MANY years, not once have they said they've seen it. And the Addams Family Values movie has only started appearing on polls since last year when the Addams Family won and did get a reaction. Its time my foot... It IS way past time for The Exorcist.


Sometimes the poll results compared to number of requests confuse me too. Like I and I think someone else mentioned The godfather (I only mentioned it for the purpose of a point and didn't actually request it btw) in a requests post and on the very next poll it wins the whole thing by an enormous landslide after years of it being a runner up or not competing. I was blown away and have no idea how it happened. Then once the reaction was posted, it only netted 6 likes and 4 comments within a 4 day period after posting. Such a small minority of Storm Akima's patrons actually speak and interact on the board so who knows.

Sohail Jafar

Dang Halloween 2018 not going to win is sad. Maybe next weekend or surprise movie???


If by any chance you watch Little Shop of Horrors on a whim, I'm begging you to please watch the one with the normal, theatrical ending. I know some people say the "dark" director's cut ending is better, but it just doesn't fit with the tone of the movie. And no, I don't care what the original ending to the play was - it's a totally different medium. (To be honest, I kind of hate a lot of the "special edition" versions of movies, so maybe it's just my bias.)

Marvel Fan

I hope Ghostbusters Afterlife will be added to the next week voting poll since it didn't get the most votes this week


Surprised by the voting because "Addams Family Values" was leading, now all of a sudden it's between "The Thing" and "Saw".


Hello, these are my thoughts exactly. A lot of the classic movies that really help channels grow in the past, are being overlooked. My assumption is that the winners reflect the patreon sub, but that is a very small margin compared to youtube. And youtube is where they can gain more following. There have been movies like the exorcist that have been requested for years, YEARS! And it's disappointing to see here that the Exorcist is dragging in the polls.... that kinda bewilders me. My honest opinion is that people are simply tired of waiting and other channels are providing. I love this channel so much, and everything I'm saying has the best intentions. I want to see them grow, but I think maybe they should adopt a different approach by making more executive decisions and not reply 100% on people's opinions. Watch what you want to watch every once in a while and perhaps throw in a blockbuster or older black and white movie every now and then. DIVERSIFY :))


Saw is so overrated...let's just keep it between the adams and the thing please guys/gals.


I also can't imagine them actually enjoying Saw. I'm surprised it's even on the poll, as I can't remember many (or any) requests for it.


Its actually only a vocal minority that interacts on the board here, the bulk of Storm Akima's patrons really don't. It was either requested on YouTube or through PMs. Like I said in another comment, I was shocked when The godfather won by a large landslide when only me and maybe one other person mentioned it, and my mention wasn't even as a request. I'm not sure if someone else actually did. Anyway, I don't remember them ever not liking a movie, so who knows. They always try to find positives in everything. I'm a big horror movie fan and never really liked the Saw franchise (the whole torture porn horror movie era of the early 2000s that Saw started really), but I'm sure the Storm Akima crew would find some way to enjoy it. 🤷‍♀️


Although I prefer AFV as well, the first Saw's a decent horror thriller, the rest are just cash ins. Plus it would be great to see their reaction to the actor playing the "villain", given one of the shows they react to.


I think timing also has a lot to do with it. Some Patrons are busy at the start of the week and the may not have time to vote. I wonder how much more engagement polls would get if they started on a Friday or Saturday.


Thanks Autumn! Sorry I can't reply to everyone because I'm editing so much, but yes, I do believe you are right! It is surprising on what movies get a lot of votes when not many comments are made about it... but most of our Patrons don't discuss things here and usually PM or just vote. Saw I am a bit worried about. I know it's a contradiction with everything we've seen... but disturbing/gore themes are not our thing. I ask Mom and Kim before reacting if they are ok watching certain things that may be disturbing for them (if I have any idea to begin with anyway). I think Mom will decline Saw... that may just be a Kim and I thing if it wins at some point. Thanks for saying this. We do try to find something positive in everything we watch. You can usually tell when we enjoyed it a lot through our ending review by how energetic we are, LOL! xo


Wow.. Wonder how many years it'll be before I see a reaction to Halloween 2018 🙄 let alone Kills or Ends... bahumbug!! 👿

Aaron Barlow

Adams and the thing? More like keep it between American werewolf in London and the Conjuring films.

Aaron Barlow

It's long past due that they react to American Werewolf in London, it's an 80s Horror/comedy classic. The makeup by Rick Baker won an Oscar.