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jonathan Edge

To be honest with you , I'm really getting into 3 of the 4 storylines . The Harfoots/Stranger storyline is frustrating me . It started to progress in episodes 1-2 but it slowed in episode 3 and this episode was the same . I'm hoping that it progresses in future episodes but now , i kinda don't wanna see this storyline in season 2 continue .


The Stranger is gaining more and more trust among the Harfoots, and now we see some people seemed to be expecting him. I don't know how one could call that slowed progress. The more he's shown the more obvious to me he is Gandalf or at least a good Maiar spirit.

jonathan Edge

Progressing the story means what effect will this have for the overall story and i'm sorry protecting people from wolves is not a major effect of the major story . Yes , learning more about his power is fascinating , but iit's not enough for me to determine this storyline is important to continue on with . I'm hoping it will progress more for me . I want to like every story in this . It's a wait and see for me .


"Oh day I hope you find something that you've be willing to sacrifice anything for." - to Isildur Maybe like a golden ring? hahahaha. Nice foreshadowing.


It showed us some simple magic in ways which don't feel forced or cliché, keeping a threat away and healing. That's how you gradually introduce characteristics and powers which become more obvious later. You don't just jump into grand character reveals without getting to know them, it's better to earn them and get to know and like those characters first. Same with Elendil and Isildur. I'm no Tolkien scholar, but as I understand it they needed to invent drama to insert within the broad strokes of their story as Tolkien wrote in the appendices or their events as written which take place over many years would be all over within 5 episodes.