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Talbot and Coulson board the Remorath's Spaceship and take it over... to save the earth, right?

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David Brown

Now is the time. After you watch the Season Finale you really gotta watch AGENT CARTER! Please. There are only 18 episodes ( 8 for Season 1 and 10 for Season 2 ). It will definitely pay off to watch it, it would benefit you greatly. Best to watch it before starting Season 6. Because you really should start watching Season 7 right after Season 6 without a break.

Christopher simeon

Mack is right that shield is about protecting and it is good that he has those ideals and it is what all the members should strive for but he is judging them too harshly because he was not in their situation. It is alot harder when you are in those situations. Fitz is right that sometimes people have to die for the greater good. Shield agents should be their if there needs to be those sacrifices. Killing should always be the last resort. Never the first option of course but that line is hard to find. The finale was written as a possible end of the series so keep that in mind. Also look up parasailing in the urban dictonary. If you guys want to watch agent carter after season 5 would be the next best time as it is a natural break and season 6 and 7 are written close together and should not be split up.


I'm shocked that they weren't speculating who on the show might get snapped out of existence since this episode confirms the rest of the season takes place during Infinity War and I'm assuming that's what everyone was wondering when this episode aired

Jordan Haddow

Okay. So, YoYo is 100% wrong. YoYo claimed that she killed Ruby to save the world. Yet, later when she learns that Daisy has gone off to get elements of a cure for Coulson, YoYo even admits she was wrong and that Ruby wasn't the Destroyer of Worlds. Okay, now that that debate has been decided (lol), should Ruby have still died? Nobody can say for sure, except YoYo was completely wrong to do it. Hasn't shield put down powered people before? Yes, absolutely. Once they did an analysis on the individual, of their powers and the mental state and strength. If, after all attempts to contain the individual failed, then the go ahead was given to kill in order to keep the world safe. YoYo didn't wait even a moment, did no assessment, didn't even coordinate with others. She didn't even try a pull back to see how Ruby would have been left on her own. Keep in mind that they were at a remote base, far from population. Ruby only had 8%, so she wasn't that strong. Also keep in mind how Daisy was after she got her powers. Yes, Ruby accidentally crushed her boyfriend. You could see plainly that she didn't mean to and regretted it happened. Also, she flipped some tables. Daisy nearly toppled an island. She cause several earthquakes, destroyed the base, and even crushed a person into paste. She was mind controlled and then went rogue, both times using her powers to destroy. Heck, she took down a bridge and a bank in an effort to defeat those hunting inhumans. So, I think they could have taken a bit of time to sedate Ruby, put her in a controlled environment, and see if they could help her through to a controlled stable state. I know, many like to point out how unstable she was. True. Keep in mind though, she grew up in a prison with her mom as her warden. The same mom who never approved of her, drove her harder every day, and ultimately had no faith in her. It is fairly feasible that Ruby could have had a chance for stability when she got a taste for life outside those extreme circumstances. At the very least, they could have used one of those chambers they had stored inhumans in to keep them in stasis. Now, is Mac right? That's a harder thing to figure out. In Ruby's case, absolutely. Overall, probably not, at least not in all cases. I hate what Fitz did to Daisy. Still, under the circumstances, I agree with him, that it was the only way he could have saved them and possibly the world. Still, Mac has a real point that is easy to miss. YoYo is hell bent on saving the team, as if she's the only one who even has a chance. Why? Because, in the past future, she told herself that. YoYo is almost insane with desperation because of what her future self told her. The one thing she hasn't accounted for is, her past future self was giving an opinion based on her personal view of what happened. Her view was also tainted, because she led a fruitless and desperate campaign to try and save the future despite the other teams member's actions. Basically, her future self both made her desperate and poisoned her from working with the team. She has this thing in her head that whatever the team is working for is what leads to the world ending and whatever she does is in an effort to stop the world ending. The reality is YoYo has done a lot to cause the end of the world. Just simply take the example of killing Ruby. She's done a lot more, but this is really long as it is. Okay, so she's pushed this idea that none of them can die, getting Fitz and Simmons going along with this idea. So, they can do any fool thing they want and blow off the team, because the team is causing the end of the world. They go to the base, which causes Ruby to get 8%. YoYo kills her. Now, Hale, enraged at the murder of her daughter, points the aliens right to the Shield base. Thanks to YoYo, the team bring back the machine that infuses Gravitonium. The aliens attack the base and invade. This causes a mayhem and confusion. Confusion that an unstable Talbot takes advantage of to infuse himself with 100% of Gravitonium. What would happen if YoYo hadn't manipulated events to cause them to find the machine? There are a lot of variables. Could Ruby have found it? Yes. Could she have infused herself with 100%? Yes, though it would be highly unlikely. If it was just her and Werner, he probably would have stopped it early because of her screaming in pain. Most likely, if YoYo had not gone there, nobody would have become 100% infused, as Hale would have found Ruby and been preoccupied with saving her. More than that. The ultimate evidence YoYo was wrong. If she hadn't gone there, the timeloop would have been broken. Which shows, Mac is ultimately, mostly right. Everyone keeps saying how things are so bad that they need to bend their morality. Not work with the team. Take extreme measures. Yet, most of the time they are doing this, they are causing the conditions that lead to the end of the world. At least, that's how I see it. I love this season because there is so many crazy details and things left unsaid. Anyways, commenting on that could probably result in a book length level discussion, so I'll end it here. Loved your reaction. Things are really heating up and i can't wait to see you watch what's to come.

Christopher simeon

You seem to be trying to blame yoyo when it is the WHOLE team that is causing those conditions. Did May do analysis of the girl in Bahrain? Or did she make a call. If the attempts failed they would all be dead. Ruby last words did not sound like success. You have no idea how strong 8% is. Warner did not know how to shut down the machine. He told fitzsimmons to do it. So most likely ruby would have gotten more than 8% by the time he figured it out. The team would have LOST the machine and the gravitonum to hale and she would put ivanov into the machine. Does that sound better? The only reason the base was even found was because daisy got coulson and talbot and brought them to the base and then she gave him a phone even though they were not supposed to have contact which got him triggered and the coordinates were given to Hale. It doesn't matter what yoyo did if they didn't know where shield was. The confederacy were done waiting so either ivanov would fight them or she would lose and they would get the gravitonum and start looking for shield for the inhumans. Future yoyo told elena that WE bring everything that is to come. The we is everyone on the team. They are all causing issues in different ways. Future elena only knows what failed and she was not even sure that letting Coulson die would even work and she even said this so of course it is an opinion. That is all it could be.