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Sayid, Kate and Locke stumble across a farm. We meet a mysterious man! Don't play that game Locke! Watch more Lost with Tom, Storm and Kim!

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WHERE are you getting the idea Danielle was ever part of The Others? That's like saying Ezra is part of the Empire. No evidence of this has been shown. She came with her 6 member science team on a boat which crashed, as she explained when we first met her JUST like our main characters. Danielle has no motive to shoot them, she's joined them solely because they can lead her to getting her daughter back. Danielle is not their guide, she is not directing them. They only knew where to go from Eko's "3:16 North" bearing stick, and now that place the stick led them to had the map to The Barracks. If she shoots them, she's alone again with no one to help get her daughter and she's lost her guide to the others. I'm sorry to put this bluntly guys, but you are reading things into Daniele which are not there. She does only wants her daughter who was kidnapped back, but I suppose she may do anything to get her back. YES, Danielle didn't know about that place. As she said in this episode, she's survived because she's avoided all encounters with The Others. It's surprisingly EASY to be a hermit, I know personally, (chuckle). Remember that she was surprised 'it's really been that long" when Sayid told her it's been 16 years since she recorded the repeating message? Other than setting traps, she been completely, utterly isolated. Remember the dart Sawyer stepped on in the last episode? Like the ping pong table, that also was from the dartboard in The Hatch. They're not just finding these items randomly, as if they materialized from a mystery location. Air and matter needs to be pushed out and go somewhere when the hatch imploded, the doors and other open holes provided space for the items from The Hatch to be blown out. The hatch walls imploded and collapsed, the items inside did not. Like the exercise bike Desmond came across after he, Locke and Eko got blown out in his episode. I wonder what "own line of communication" Tom is referring to the others as having? The Coconut internet?😁 (A Sawyer Season 2 line) The Other's have the walkies, but those are short range. As far as we saw The Arrow(the station Ana Lucia's group found, it had a picture of an arrow on it's door) and The Staff/Medical Station(had a picture of the symbol of Medicine, the Staff of Asclepius on the door) had no visible cameras. All the cameras at The Hydra, The Pearl, The Swan(our old main hatch), and The Flame are Dharma, as is the satellite. But of course we know the others are using a few of the old Dharma station's cameras. So far the only station to station camera feed we've seen is from the Pearl to The Swan and The Flame, since The Peal's an observation station, which in itself was also a Dharma experiment. The camera's at The Hydra all seemed to lead only into the one security room to watch the Polar Bear cages, water tank and nearby places.


Hi again YodatheHobbit! We always appreciate your input and answering our questions! Lost is a fun show with a lot of mystery and surprises! We are completely blind to Lost and love coming up with theories, even though some may be way off the mark. LOL! We do miss some details here and there and when we do, you usually fill us in with reminders (which we love since there are a lot of little details that are told throughout the show). The reason why we don't trust Danielle is because we don't know anything about her besides her word. I don't think it's a fair comparison to relate her with Ezra's story... Ezra is a main character we visually follow every episode.. we become very personal with him as he develops. We see his strugges and understand his decisions (right or wrong) and really get to learn who he is as a person. With Lost, we witnessed what happened with the main characters when their plane crashed. We visually see what they went through. Danielle is an outsider (from our main groups' initial perspective)... we don't want to judge a book by it's cover.. and we do believe she would do anything to get her daughter back.. but that doesn't mean we should just fully trust her just because she told us a back story. We don't even know how many 'others' there are and what their true intentions are and what interactions Danielle has truly had with them in the past... or if they have some kind of truce. She hasn't had a lot of screen time on the show and there is just a lot we don't know about her. She caught (or found? Can't remember) "Henry" in a net.. who also happens to be the father of Alex, her daughter (which, please no spoilers) we don't know the connection there... so we are suspicious she may be working with "Henry" aka Ben for some reason... maybe he threatened Danielle to work with him if she wants to see Alex again by keeping his identity secret so he could get Jack? Why would she not recognize him in the net and not tell our main group who he really was? Ben was a brilliant and very convincing liar to us as Henry for many episodes and this show really instills mistrust in many situations... so just to trust another outsider's word, like Danielle, when our main group still hardly knows anything about any other person outside their group (even within our group, through back stories, we learn a lot of shocking things about them we had no idea about)... have been kidnapped and injured by 'The Others'... when they (and we) don't know how many 'Others' there are and how much control they have over other occupants of this mysteries island. I feel bad we don't give Danielle enought credit, and through your comment it sounds like she can be trusted and is truly not part of the others... which kind of throws that mystery away.. but I know it must be annoying too for some that have seen this whole show and know the outcome.. so us being off course with theories may be frustrating at times. Doh! We do find theorizing is half the fun :) Any jokes we make are in good fun too. I can't remember what we said about items found in the jungle like the ping pong table.. but I do remember mentioning it had to be from the hatch. We are happy things survived the implosion... but it's hard to wrap our heads around this secure bunker with strong walls that imploded into itself, but still expelled/left items almost fully intact that were originally inside the imploded walls. Desmond being one of them is still a huge mystery to us! Also, Tom may have been referring to the fact that 'The Others' know so much about everyone... even down to current printed documents (quite thick too) about Jack... how would 'The Others' have that much knowledge of strange people after the plane crashed unless they had outside communication giving them intel... like with the supply drops that we assume are off island (even though that isn't the internet, it's an outside connection we believe). So even though we do forget/mix up certain details (again, thanks for helping us out there!)... there are a lot that we remember too.. and just because someone said something doesn't mean we really believe their word due to other experiences and mysteries we still don't know much about. I know we do over think a lot of things too because of other content we have watched as well, LOL! Thank you for summarizing the stations and camera details! Hope I answered your questions ok! We do enjoy this show and always have long discussions during our reviews! Have a great day and thanks again for being a fan! ~Storm :)