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Vander's people start questioning his strength. Jayce is in trouble and faces consequences for his actions. Viktor has other plans. Watch more Arcane with Mom, Storm and Kim!

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Rabbid Dawg

I became a patron today because of this upload! I'm very excited to watch new reactors take a swing at this series as it's one that hits all cylinders of amazing entertainment. I look forward to ya'lls reactions, good and bad, and hope you get invested in the story (every episode gets increasingly better)!


Ahhh, this show has great cliffhangers! Great episode providing some more world building and setup for what is to come! Can't wait until next week!

Jordan Haddow

Okay, finally managed to watch this one. I know this one can seem very nihilistic and pessimistic. From what I remember, this episode goes into a bunch of philosophy that Joss was quite into. I don't remember what specifically, but I'm sure it isn't hard to find out. I think it basically boils down to, there isn't a war between good and evil, like there isn't a war between light and shadow. Every person is both good and evil, the combination of which defines each person. So, Wolfram and Hart aren't trying to win by making everything evil, they are just existing. So, the same kind of goes for the side of good. The message is, you will never defeat evil and make the world good, because you have people in the world. As long as there are people, and each person has some amount of good and evil in them, evil will always exist, as will good. So, trying to win isn't going to define how good or bad you are. The actions you take, the choices you make, personally, define whether you are good or evil. Personally, I never really cared for the way they explained this in this episode. Buffy had a similar episode, which I thought covered the territory much better, Lie To Me. In that episode, it talked about how there aren't good guys and bad guys, because those are simplistic terms for children. We are all people (or in the Buffyverse, beings) who make choices. It's the choices we make that define if we are good or bad. Especially when the choices we are given to choose from are all bad. Buffy chose to kill her lover to save the world. Good guy. Ford chose to sacrifice the lives of Buffy, his friends, and future people to keep him alive. Bad guy. Angel. Did a tonne of bad things for hundreds of years. Got a soul, did good, a little back and forth, continuing to do good. Lately though, he's been doing bad things to win a war. Now, is he good if he wins the war by doing bad things? Basically, no. The war he's waging doesn't really exist, and in the mean time he's been making all bad decisions. So, Angel in effect, found out that he's been the bad guy for the last while. (If there is a bunch of spelling mistakes, I'm blaming it on the Covid. Having a hard time proof reading it)