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OMG, this was emotional! So excited to see Rex and devastated about Wrecker! Omega is so understanding and mature for her age! Rex showed up just in time too! :)

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Thanks so much for your support! You keep us creating and we can't thank you enough! Please enjoy! xoxo



Trevor Darnell

Currently in class rn, but I can't wait to watch this when I get home!

Trevor Darnell

In case you didn't know the creature that attacked Wrecker is a dianoga. The same creature that attacked Luke in Episode 4 in the trash compactor.


What's going on? I don't understand patreon. I leave a comment yesterday encouraging fellow patrons to not spoil things about some characters from Rebels in future episodes of this show (since people saw Rebels years ago, and might be used to mentioning character details and relationships so casually), which Storm just said in this video she already knows are coming, but doesn't know who of course, and it gets deleted? I wish I understood why. Makes me not want to even bother. I'm sure after the episode with characters from the show gets posted someone will comment detailing the character's entire future history. 🙄 I'm just trying to protect their experience.

Sohail Jafar

It’s happened to me before, I think it’s random glitch and not deliberate imo