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Project Looking Glass is complete and we are terrified! Everything just got so much worse for Simmons trying to save Fitz from his life in the framework.

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Jordan Haddow

Great reaction. This episode so easily could have spelled doom for so many of our beloved characters. In the end it was the one we kind of foresaw a problem with, Mack. Personally, I think Daisy was the best type of friend by not lying to Mack about Hope's death in the real world. She knew he would have never forgiven her for it. It's so heartbreaking. They also gave her the perfect name. "I can't live in a world without Hope". So crushingly true.

Christopher simeon

Remember she knows personally how hard it is for a father to have a child taken away like her dad and what that could do to mack. She could never forcefully do that to him.

Christopher simeon

You have seen that teleporting before. That is all i will say.