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Hey everyone, 

Tom here again providing you with another update on Storm/Dawn. It has been a full week since surgery and Dawn is home and recovering very well. Wookie is taking great care of her! The picture above is when she was in the hospital last weekend (she'll probably kill me for posting it 😋). She is walking a little more each day as she regains strength. She sends her love and can't wait to be back to her former self.


Sohail Jafar

Dawn, we wish you full health and a quick recovery. So glad you’re feeling better now.

Anakin Starkiller

That's great news she looks really good 👍I'm glad she's pulling through.


Sending all my love and positivity for Storm. Today’s my birthday but I wish for nothing more than her getting the best recovery she deserves. Great picture by the way lol she won’t kill you Tom 😭

Les Reece

That's good news, I hope she has a full and speedy recovery.


Well the only logical, and fair thing to do now is to ask for a picture of Tom as he wakes up after a night of Taco Bell, and Mountain Dew; it is inevitable.


Be strong Storm! ❤ Rest up and take it slow 🙌🏼


Aww, happy to hear! You got this storm!!! ^o^

Aaron Barlow

Yay for Storm!!! Get well soon, we miss you!

Justin S.

Thanks for the update. Sounds like the recovery is going smoothly which is great. I actually found out recently that my mother has to have surgery on the 13th to remove abscess fluid, or hematoma. Just one of those unfortunate things but the medical professionals are great at what they do.

Buddah Da Great

Praise Jesus, take your time to recover, stay strong. God Bless....


Hoping for a speedy recovery, and thank you for the update!


So glad you're looking well! Rest up and can't wait to see you again :)

Jorge Lopez

Thanks for the update, Tom! All the best to you, Dawn! So happy everything went well :)


Great news!


Good to hear it went well. Take it easy and get lots of pampering!


That’s good news


That is good to hear! Sending my love and best wishes!

George Bean

Best wishes to Dawn, we are all pulling in for her giving her out best regards. ;)


Feel better Storm I love this channel and love your vibe you bring to it


I expected nothing less from her. That being said, the confirmation is great to hear. I, like everyone else here, will continue to pray for a full & speedy recovery! Oh and of course she's gonna kill you for it but that's what siblings do. I mean come one, what are siblings meant for if not for posting (what we perceive to be) embarrassing pictures of ourselves in unflattering situations. You did good Tom 😉👍 -Best wishes, (also) Tom


Prayers answered! She looks great and we are so relieved here in Texas. Thanks for the update, Tom.

George Bean

Very happy to hear she is doing okay and well in recovering. In the words of another person before me: "A Storm is coming"... with a vengeance. We all better batten down the hatches when it hits. ;)

Aaron Barlow

I miss the little knowing looks you give camera when something is coming up that will cause a reaction in Mum and Kim in a movie you've already seen lol :)