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Hello everyone, Tom here. I just wanted to update you all on Storm/Dawn's surgery that took place today. She went in early this morning and her surgery went great, no issues. She will be staying overnight in the hospital for monitoring but she is on the road to recovery!!! YAY!! A lot of you have been sending your thoughts and prayers and I personally wanted to thank you! You all mean a lot to her and to know that you all support her through this tough time is truly amazing!! She will be up and running again in no time, I just know it. I will keep you updated with her progress and before you know it, she will be back. Feel free to message me with any questions and I will do my best to help out in the mean time.



I’m so glad everything went well!


So glad to know she is doing alright! Wishing her a speedy recovery!!!

Sohail Jafar

I’m so happy to hear this good news. Tell Dawn to take as much time as she needs!


That's great news!!! You got this Storm!!!


So great to hear, Tom! Best wishes to Dawn (and the whole Storm Akima fam)!


Thanks for the update Tom, send Dawn our love and prayers for a speedy recovery.


Wow, that’s great to hear!! You got this, Storm!! We’re all hoping for a good recovery!! ^o^

Justin S.

Great to hear that everything went smoothly! Hope the recovery goes just as well but no rush, of course. Take as much time as needed.

Sharrod Wolf

🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿 great news


Speedy recovery Storm. I feel lonely without having you, your sis and of course Mom, to watch Movies and Shows with. Now get back on the couch you nut! Love Ya All 3000!!

Trevor Darnell

I wish Storm a speedy recovery! ❤ take all the time she needs, we'll be here waiting for her :)


Truly excellent news! Best wishes to all, kia kaha/stay strong!

Aaron Barlow

While I miss you Storm, please take time to heal.


Thank you so much for the update. So great to hear. We will continue to send all our best.

Lee Salvemini

Hi Tom, thanks for the update!! Great to hear it went well. Praying for Storm here for a super recovery. Bless!

Armchair Wizard

Thanks for this. I'm very glad she's doing well, and thanks for helping out the way you are.


That’s great to hear! 🤍🤍

Anakin Starkiller

I'm glad she is ok that's great news Tom . I hope she gets well soon.


Cool man, glad to hear she's doing good. I can't wait to see the next LOST reaction from you guys as soon as she's better.

Jorge Lopez

YAYYY! Glad everything went well. Get well soon, Dawn! And thanks for the update, Tom!


Good news!


Thanks for keep us updated!


So good to hear, thank you for the update!


That is great news! Thankyou for the update. I hope she will feel better soon🤗✨

Crystal Laherrere

Thank you Tom. I am so glad to hear Dawn is doing well. Sending good and healing thoughts her way.


Great news hope she has a quick recovery ❤️

George Bean

This is wonderful news to hear. Best regards to Dawn. Maybe when she starts to get back into reactions after recovering well, she ought to try DUMB and DUMBER, maybe a Jim Carrey comedy would help "lighten the mood" for her, in addition to her family and the viewers in general. ;) But still, this is now a time of recovery, then later, a storm is coming.


That's a relief to hear. Thanks for the update.


That is wonderful news!! I'm so glad she's recovering well :)) Tell her to rest and take it easy, we will all still be here ❤️


Fantastic!!! Glad to hear she's doing well, can't wait to see her on her feet again, well, on the couch anyway 🤣


I have a somewhat random question -- why does the number of patrons dip so significantly at the beginning of every month? I've noticed this for a while now. The beginning of the month rolls around and the number drops by as much as 300. Like, even amongst the well-wishers in this thread right here, if you click on the profiles, like a dozen are marked as "this patron is not supporting any creators at the moment." But you have to be pledging at least a dollar monthly to see or comment on this post. Are people seriously dodging the charges on the 1st of every month?


I think you're correct that people tend to cancel their patron membership before they're charged again. I'd guess this is a pattern for every creator, and not just Storm Akima. As far as why membership picks up again as the month goes on, maybe it's people coming back when they definitely know there's enough new stuff to make it worth it. Or maybe it's all new subscribers to make up for the ones that left. I think confusing the issue is the whole thing where you click on a profile and it says the person isn't supporting anyone. That could just mean they have privacy settings turned on to where it ALWAYS says this, even if they're supporting a lot of people.


It would be weird if their profile said "not supporting any creators" when it was really just set to private, but I guess I have no way of checking that. Even so, that doesn't really explain the big dip in subscriber numbers. It happens every month. I guess I'm just more active on this page so I notice, and can't say if it happens to other creators I'm subscribed to (though I suspect it does). I remember a very old post where Storm explained that she was changing her Patreon to charge up front because too many people were subscribing in the middle of the month and then cancelling before payment went through, so I'm not even sure how trying to dodge the charges would work now. Just seems very weird and fishy to me.

Michaela Talley

My card was declined on the first because my card expired this month. Maybe other people's card did too? Definitely not all those people but maybe a few.

Adam Burt

Every so often my Patreon gets funky and claims I need to pay when I already did at the start of the month. Usually a refresh fixes it. But from that it is possible some are a bug, either accidentally saying they aren't supporting or do lose it.


This isn't directly related to the original topic, but this reminds me: I hate how Patreon works overall where they automatically charge you no matter what time of the month you sign up. And then they charge you AGAIN at the first of the month. So if you sign up on the 25th, you get charged, but then you get charged again 6 days later. They should make it so they just charge you monthly on the same day that you originally signed up to a creator.


The second you subscribe, you have to pay, so it doesn't really make sense to leave. Maybe some people just take a break until they see content they like.


Ey yo Storm, ey! Don't worry 'bout it, you know, you's a fighter too so you know, you just gotta work hard as usual for it cus it can't rain forever you know... even tho you're a storm yourself you know, but u know what I mean... (Do your best Rocky in your mind, and bring back that huge smile soon girl!)


Some people just don't have enough money to pay every month they pay, Watch what they want and cancel and then next month maybe later in the month check if there's anything they want to watch and re subscribe