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Welcome everyone to the WILD Card POLL!!!

This POLL will be a lot shorter to help some of the struggling movies.  We may alter this POLL in the future since we have so many different ideas as to what a Wild Card POLL should consist of. We want to keep this fun and fair for everyone here. So please bare with us as we learn together what works best.

Please keep in mind that most requested movies we are blind to. We don't know exactly what genre or how popular most movies are and rely on your comments to help guide us. We go by requests that you all make, popular and rare...which this POLL is meant for just the struggling requests that need a helping hand.

Also, this POLL is very new. Our main POLL before had popular and rare requests on there. Some lasted longer on the POLLS to give them a fighting chance, not because they were popular. Some of those struggling  requests may move over to this POLL over time.

Thank you for all and happy voting!!

A wild TOM has appeared!



Mannnn I hope Brave wins lol

Justin S.

Should be interesting to see how this plays out. I'd like to see True Lies and Twister return to this poll, perhaps Outbreak at some point as well.


Hoping for Jojo Rabbit

David Blake

Roger Rabbit. ABSOLUTELY!!! 😊

Adam Grunther

I’m seriously hoping for Who Framed Roger Rabbit or Jojo Rabbit. Fingers crossed that one of those movies finally win.

Kwan wallace



Please vote jojo rabbit it's amazing

Matthew Richson

Roger Rabbit! Come on it has to win at this point!

Shehab Dawoud

People really don't like Heat, huh? Or haven't seen it, which isn't much better.


It was really popular in the '90s, when it debuted. It's not very well known now, outside of critic's circles and action junkies


im recommending October Sky. One of my favorite movies

Jordan Haddow

Don't know how many will like this, but I'd like to recommend So I married an Axe Murderer. It didn't do great in the theatres, but since became a kind of cult classic. It's Mike Myers in his early days before he got gross. Funny as hell along with just a dash of his patented over the line awkward comedy.


Come onnnnnn 🤞🤞🤞 Castaway. I remember once Storm mentioned she really wanted to show them this movie. They need to see it!!!


JoJo rabbit is so good!

Shehab Dawoud

I'm afraid to say it but it's now come to the point where I can no longer justify paying money for this. It's a shame because I really like the Akima family and I appreciate all the work they put into it, especially Dawn. But the voting has been going in the wrong direction for a while now. I kept hoping that it would change, but it doesn't seem like it. I'll still check them out on YT, and if it looks like higher echelon films start to get picked more, then I may come back. But for now, I just have to wish Dawn and the ladies good luck. Peace.

Aaron Barlow

A couple of suggestions. 1. Dracula Untold, a massively underrated film. 2. Clash of the titans 2010, another underrated film.


I think Cast Away would be the better option just because its an incredible movie and story with beautiful cinematography. Heat was a very good movie with great acting. And the scene with Robert Deniro and Al Pacino... 😙🤌🏼but its also soooo long.. the others are younger-aged basically.

Shehab Dawoud

I think you might have misunderstood me. My issue is not with Dawn and the family. My issue is with the people who are voting. If other people are going to spend hours watching a film that I have a hand in choosing, I'd want them to watch the best films available. And yes, of course, taste in movies is subjective, but let's not completely fool ourselves. There are reasons why certain films are rated higher, get nominated/win awards on top of making a lot of money. Someone could tell me that National Treasure is better than, say, The Godfather and that it's his opinion and he's entitled to it. But that's just not the case if you have any sense of reality. And I'm not saying that cheesy films, blockbusters, comedies, etc, don't belong here, because they obviously do. And I also enjoy some of them, Rush Hour, The 40-year old Virgin, The Mummy, and others, I loved those reactions. What I'm asking for is more balance in terms of which type of films are put on the polls and then voted on. I have both publicly and privately asked for a change in format, more genre-specific polls that would keep as many people happy as possible, and eliminate the risk of the same type of films being picked every week. But all those suggestions seem to have fallen on deaf ears. That might be my only 'issue' with the channel itself. As for them getting around to watching everything.. I don't know that, and neither do you. Tomorrow isn't promised. I'd want them to get the best out of it while they, and we, still can. That's all.

Caleb Harvey

Sister act Prince of Egypt Sound of music Chitty chitty bang bang Bodyguard (whitney Houston)


Room (2015) Wizard of Oz Fallen Matilda


Sister Act, Prince of Egypt, Matilda, Pan’s Labyrinth, Hercules


Finally guys/gals .....we will witness the greatest reaction to one of my childhood favs.

Chani Elkin

I posted this comment on the underdog live action poll, but I'm re-commenting it here to try help get the movies seen and increase the chances of them being chosen to watch or/and put on the polls (lists). So here's my re-comment of movies that would do well as underdog/wild card live-action films and deserve to be seen: 1) "Places In The Heart" (1984) - stars Sally Field, Danny Glover, and John Malkovitch. Set in a small Texan town during the mid-1930's during the heart of the Great Depression. Sally Field is a mother whose sheriff husband was accidentally killed & has to figure out not only how to take care of her family (and grieve), but how to pay the bank what is owed so she doesn't lose her house and kids. I don't want to spoil too much, but Danny Glover plays a black itinerant whose knowledge helps SF. John Malkovitch plays the banker's brother-in-law, blinded in The Great War, forced into being SF's boarder. It's a great example of storytelling with superb acting, showing what life was like (both the good & bad). How helpful and valuable acceptance and kindness can be, when you focus on what really matters & is valuable. The 'found family' is my favorite part, aside from the ending (an example of what should be and the most beautiful and bittersweet scene I've seen in a while). 2) "Matilda" (1996) - for slightly lighter fare, the classic film based on the Road Dahl book. Has Danny Devito and Mara Wilson. This is a movie that is pure fun and really captures the magic of childhood (even with the darker themes of childhood neglect and illegal capitalism). Also superbly acted, it's one that you can view over & over again - never get bored, always enjoy, & can always find new small details to focus on. With a heartwarming ending in many ways. (Almost won on this poll, so please keep on as an option!) 3) "Inherit the Wind" (1960) - Spencer Tracy, Frederick March, Gene Kelly. This is the film adaption of the famous play, which is in itself based on the real-life1920's case on teaching Darwin's Theory of Evolution in schools. Which made history. The film is again superbly acted, showing how religion & science are not necessarily mutually exclusive. The dangers of moralistic preaching (literally or through 'I'm so progressive/liberal, and you're so 'backward' in small towns"), as well the dangers of conflating attention with 'saving values' are deftly examined. How to recognize and value progress, without disregarding the value of old-fashioned beliefs or those of religion. One of my favorite films that really make you engage & think - timeless classic that can apply to life regardless of when or where you watch it. 4) "Any Day Now" (2012) - a hidden gem, one to make you root for the main characters, cry, and never forget it once you've seen it. Set in 1979 & based on a true story, it focuses on two interconnected lives. The film stars an amazing performance by Isaac Levin (the innocent heart) who is Marco, an autistic teen being raised by a single mother who (sadly) is drug-addicted. Their neighbor is the passionate Rudy (a heart-rending epic Alan Cumming) who is a gay man making a living as a drag queen entertainer. When the mom leaves the kid alone & doesn't return, Rudy turns to Paul (his new & closeted flame), a lawyer - who finds the mom's been arrested. They strike a deal where Rudy will take care of Marco while the mom's in jail. The film deals with them making a family, the homophobia (Rudy is Paul's 'cousin' b/c otherwise the adoption wouldn't be approved), the disability issues (how Marco is viewed due to the autism), and even a sympathetic few scenes on drug addiction (you may mean well, but...), job issues (jealousy & homophobia), and the impact of choices and actions. I'm actually going to include a link to the trailer for this one as it really pulls you in. "Any Day Now" (2012) Trailer Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ghwGOuuNy0


Jojo Rabbit is such a good movie, visually beautiful and just theres so much heart in the film! :)


As a curly haired girl, I SHRIEKED out loud in the theatre when the very first teaser trailer for Brave came out and Merida pulled back her hood to reveal this GLORIOUS head of wild curly hair. Seriously one of the main reasons I love that movie so much. 😂 But sure -- Roger Rabbit will be a fun reaction too.