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Welcome to our next glorious UNDERDOG LIVE ACTION POLL!!!

Storm and I have been reading your opinions and taking down your requests for this POLL.  We may alter this POLL in the future since we have so many different ideas as to what an UNDERDOG POLL should consist of. We want to keep this fun and fair for everyone here. So please bare with us as we learn together what works best. 

Please keep in mind that most requested movies we are blind to. We don't know exactly what genre or how popular most movies are and rely on your comments to help guide us. We go by requests that you all make, popular and rare...which this POLL is meant for just the rare and struggling requests that need a helping hand.

Also, this POLL is very new. Our main POLL before had popular and rare requests on there. Some lasted longer on the POLLS to give them a fighting chance, not because they were popular. Some of those rare requests may move over to this POLL over time. 

Thank you for all your UNDERDOG REQUESTS and happy voting!!

Freakazoid Tom!


Daniel Fuchs

True Lies, Kindergarten Cop and Twister.


Would love to see a Venom reaction! The sequel comes out later this year and these movies will likely connect to the MCU Spider-Man


Last Action Hero, One the most underrated movies of all time. I hope it wins. It would make a great reaction.

Daniel R

might as well watch all the Zack Snyder movies lol

Justin S.

True Lies gets my vote here but Matilda is one of the best family films from the 90s. Still hoping that some of my other suggestions finally make a poll eventually! Underdog Movie Requests: The Long Kiss Goodnight Ransom Breakdown Dante's Peak Meet Joe Black

Lemuel Daher

Ah, the Social Network!


I think you all will love Matilda and Narnia 3 for what its worth. I do hope Maleficent will one day grace the polls. I know it is not entirely popular, but it requires an open mind to love, which you three have.


JoJo!! IMO, the only reason to watch "The Watchmen" is as a basis for watching the HBO series Watchmen. The movie is not so great. The series is amazing.


If it wins, I think Watchmen should probably come with a content warning. No spoilers, but it gets pretty rough in certain moments. Two in particular that come to mind. And I'm actually not talking about blood and gore necessarily, although the film does have PLENTY of that. I know you guys have watched some violent stuff, but I'm talking about other kinds of abuse. Just some unpleasant stuff that I think you'd deserve a warning for.


Sending psychic waves: *please Gattaca and Pan's Labyrinth* ... *please Gattaca and Pan's Labyrinth* ... *please Gattaca and Pan's Labyrinth* ... *please Gattaca and Pan's Labyrinth*



Tim Pierce

I agree. The premise is very fresh. Not many movies like it. Unfortunately it's not well known. Hopefully it remains in the polls long enough to slip through.

David Blake

Hi. Today I suggest the few musical I love (all the others are extremely boring, in my opinion): - The Blues Brothers (1980, it's my favorite) - Mary Poppins (1964) - Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory (1971) - Bedknobs And Broomsticks (1971) - Sister Act (1992)


A very good underrated / unknown live action movie is "Togo". But you should watch the animated version "Balto" first. Togo is about the real "Balto" story.

George Bean

Last Action Hero needs to be seen, the Ladies need to see Arnold at his most meta. "You want to be a farmer? Here's a couple of acres."



Aaron Barlow

Blade is a must see classic and so is True Lies. You guys would love them.


Yeah, did this get bumped? Was looking forward to it.


It's a shame True Lies is so inaccessible. It's not on Netflix, YouTube, HBO Go/Now, Hulu or Amazon O_O


Would love to see Gravity on the next poll!

Rafael Benedicto

There's a deep dark place in the web where it MIGHT be accessible, and it starts with a big T

Shawn Anderson

The first Blade isn't that good... the second one is way better!


So sad we didn't get a surprise viewing of Room (2015) for Mother's Day. So, I'm pulling for A League of Their Own, Twister, and GATTACA -- all brilliant and very fun movies.


For a future poll I'd like to suggest The Italian Job (2003) a silly/fun heist movie that actually holds up pretty well. As well as Jumanji: The Next Level (the only Jumanji film they haven't seen yet). Really hope Matilda pulls through. I genuinely think they'd enjoy it, and non-action/adventure wins on these polls is rare.


I think it might have to be a random reaction or win a wild card poll one day. But yes its a wonderful and should be reacted to.


21 Jump Street over Dumb & Dumber!??😳 Even over True Lies??! Oh boy folks🤦🏼‍♂️


So many good movies here! Wooo!


Yeah Jump Street :) Its so funny

Chani Elkin

Damn! I missed the time window for getting to vote on this - at least "Matilda" (1996) is finally on the list. Since I can still do comments, and they mentioned that poll comment requests are more likely to end up seen/on lists... here's my requests that I put on this month's main request post that aren't on the lists yet (plus Matilda to keep it on the lists): 1) "Places In The Heart" (1984) - stars Sally Field, Danny Glover, and John Malkovitch. Set in a small Texan town during the mid-1930's during the heart of the Great Depression. Sally Field is a mother whose sheriff husband was accidentally killed & has to figure out not only how to take care of her family (and grieve), but how to pay the bank what is owed so she doesn't lose her house and kids. I don't want to spoil too much, but Danny Glover plays a black itinerant whose knowledge helps SF. John Malkovitch plays the banker's brother-in-law, blinded in The Great War, forced into being SF's boarder. It's a great example of storytelling with superb acting, showing what life was like (both the good & bad). How helpful and valuable acceptance and kindness can be, when you focus on what really matters & is valuable. The 'found family' is my favorite part, aside from the ending (an example of what should be and the most beautiful and bittersweet scene I've seen in a while). 2) "Matilda" (1996) - for slightly lighter fare, the classic film based on the Road Dahl book. Has Danny Devito and Mara Wilson. This is a movie that is pure fun and really captures the magic of childhood (even with the darker themes of childhood neglect and illegal capitalism). Also superbly acted, it's one that you can view over & over again - never get bored, always enjoy, & can always find new small details to focus on. With a heartwarming ending in many ways. (Almost won on this poll, so please keep on as an option!) 3) "Inherit the Wind" (1960) - Spencer Tracy, Frederick March, Gene Kelly. This is the film adaption of the famous play, which is in itself based on the real-life1920's case on teaching Darwin's Theory of Evolution in schools. Which made history. The film is again superbly acted, showing how religion & science are not necessarily mutually exclusive. The dangers of moralistic preaching (literally or through 'I'm so progressive/liberal, and you're so 'backward' in small towns"), as well the dangers of conflating attention with 'saving values' are deftly examined. How to recognize and value progress, without disregarding the value of old-fashioned beliefs or those of religion. One of my favorite films that really make you engage & think - timeless classic that can apply to life regardless of when or where you watch it. 4) "Any Day Now" (2012) - a hidden gem, one to make you root for the main characters, cry, and never forget it once you've seen it. Set in 1979 & based on a true story, it focuses on two interconnected lives. The film stars an amazing performance by Isaac Levin (the innocent heart) who is Marco, an autistic teen being raised by a single mother who (sadly) is drug-addicted. Their neighbor is the passionate Rudy (a heart-rending epic Alan Cumming) who is a gay man making a living as a drag queen entertainer. When the mom leaves the kid alone & doesn't return, Rudy turns to Paul (his new & closeted flame), a lawyer - who finds the mom's been arrested. They strike a deal where Rudy will take care of Marco while the mom's in jail. The film deals with them making a family, the homophobia (Rudy is Paul's 'cousin' b/c otherwise the adoption wouldn't be approved), the disability issues (how Marco is viewed due to the autism), and even a sympathetic few scenes on drug addiction (you may mean well, but...), job issues (jealousy & homophobia), and the impact of choices and actions. I'm actually going to include a link to the trailer for this one as it really pulls you in. "Any Day Now" (2012) Trailer Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ghwGOuuNy0


Room (2015) Matilda Fallen Rocky 3 Wizard of Oz