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Things just got a whole lot more interesting. We know John is no Steve, but wow, did we have many red flags in this episode alone... the ending was so tragic and terrible. Can't wait for the next episode to see how things are handled!

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Trevor Darnell

I knew that if Lemar/Battlestar died it would sent John Walker over the edge and his moral/voice of reason is gone. I can't wait to see how the handle this situation. Although I can understand Walker's situation and the blind rage from having his best friend killed, he still murdered someone and I can definitely see now that he will not give up the shield until Karli is dead (since she did the killing blow) or that someone stops him.

Trevor Darnell

Even tho John Walker killed someone, I can't really feel bad for the guy he killed since he decided to join a terrorist organization but he didn't deserve to die like that. Then again, him saying "it wasn't me" means nothing to John since he helped get his friend Lemar killed. To be clear I think John Walker should be removed as Captain America now since brutally killing someone in public, who is a surrendering combatant does not look good to the public and this will stain the Shield's legacy forever now.

Trevor Darnell

I'm 50/50 on taking the serum cause there's so many health benefits but I am of the opinion that absolute power corrupts absolutely so I'll probably won't take it.

Trevor Darnell

I agree with you guys, I really like John Walker as a character and I can see why the U.S. Government chose him to be the new Captain America since he's the perfect soldier. But he's not a perfect person and there probably won't be another person like Steve Rogers. Since Steve wasn't chosen for his strength, he was rejected by the military when he tried to join in WW2, he was chosen for his character and how he conducts himself as a person: someone who is so selfless and always does the right thing.


I completely agree with you guys. Tried to give him a chance but he kept messing up even though his intentions are meant to be good. All I wanna say though is I think he took the serum after he talked about it with Battlestar because the way he was twitching in the middle of the fight just made it seem like the serum was the reason the twitching started. Also I just don’t think the super soldier would’ve gave him enough time to use the serum lol


Another great reaction - and lovely to be mentioned in dispatches! Hated seeing Battlestar go so quick, since he was around for a while in the comics even after Walker's stint as Cap. However, I guess his death is intended to contrast with the "death" of Barnes in the 1st Captain America, or rather Steve's reaction to it. That reaction, notably, was to NOT fly into a Super-Soldier-Serum-fueled rage and bust Dr Zola open like a piñata. Steve completed his mission and Zola was captured distinctly unbusted. John getting enhanced or "augmented"* via the Power Broker (albeit indirectly) then becoming a dangerous liability follows the basic play of the comics, but it's been interesting to see the route the MCU has taken. John handled the pressers well but once on the job, I was surprised to see the wheels come off so quickly. If he was unstable to begin, those flaws are going to be magnified by the enhancement. I'm a little worried for his wife. That John may be sacked as Cap is a distinct possibility but I'm wondering how they're gonna take that shield away from him, now he's all hopped on the serum. Also, Steve is seen with a sidearm during WW2/The First Avenger. Since "waking up", he hasn't carried one.


* Augmentation - the process used by the comics version of the Power Broker. It did not involve Erskine's serum and bestowed genuine super-strength. Without getting into Marvel's whole superhuman strength classifications, Steve described the augmented John Walker as being 10-times stronger than himself. Of course, that's not likely to be the case here in the MCU. Kinda wish they'd use "augmented" here or even the more familiar "enhanced", instead of blurting out "super soldier" or "super soldier serum" every time. But hey ho...


Steve used a machine gun in Avengers when fighting off the people trying to bring down the Hellicarrier.


Walker took the serum before they went into the building. The serum works fast, because it was optimized by Dr. Nagel, so it has almost no side effects. I thought he took the serum when he listened carefully and I was sure about it when he dodged the flying knife. The confirmation was him throwing the shield into the wall.


Walker is the proof, that the government gives a f*** about their soldiers. If they would, they would have never made him Captain America, because he clearly has some mental issues. Dr. Erskine from The First Avenger, who gave Steve the serum, said that the serum amplifies everyting that's in someone. Good becomes great, bad becomes worse. Now, when you think about what John Walker became because of the serum, then it shows you, that he is not a good person. Some parts of his intentions might be good, but he has neither the right temper nor the right attitude to be Captain America. He is not completely evil, but definitely not good enough to be Captain America. He doesn't understand, what it means to be Captain America. He doesn't understand, what it needs to be Captain America - a good man, not a good soldier ( what Walker undoubtedly is). There is no way back for Walker now. He is the true villain of the show. Sam proofed right from the first episode on, that only he can be Captain America. That scene with Karli was a masterpiece. And Bucky doesn't want to be Captain America. He wants Sam to take the mantle. Anyway, great reaction again. I can't wait to watch with you the remaining episodes. I can't believe that it's almost already over. I really hope that they will do a second season and maybe even a third. Sam and Bucky have so much potential and the chemistry between Sebastian Stan and Anthony Mackie is just awesome.


You all might recognize Florence Kasumba who plays Ayo as one of the Amazons from Wonder Woman!