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How heart breaking! Some crying for sure in this one! How hateful and brutal. Poor Satine... poor Obi! Maul is truly loving this... until Sidious shows up!!! OMG, what an insane battle! Great episode!!!

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Trevor Darnell

😭😭 our poor Obi. Never breaks or taps into the darkside. What a true Jedi.


Satine and Padme has so much in common. Great leaders who fell in love with Jedi that lead to their death.

Matthew Richson

Minor spoiler, but we never get to see what happens to Maul after he gets captured by the Emperor. Cause the show was then canceled. The storyboards that made up the story were made into a comic book. It gives us an idea of what the arc would’ve been like. A bad guy bonanza at that.

Daniel R

Maul is an amazing villain

Brandon Jensen - May the force be with you

Oki so this is hands down my favorite episod in this hole show. I mean i`m still crying for Satine and have been doing for every 30-50 times i have seen this episod now. And i have to say that Satine was so beautiful in this episod , i mean her hair and everything. This is one of the few things that makes me genuinely cry because i feel so dam bad for Obi wan and Satine. Obi never gets to be happy + I mean i`m a Pacifist so i respect and loved that Satine stood for it until the end, such a great leader. And yea love Bo and the fact that she is her sister..... Dam i just love this episod man. And the end fight was so cool. LIKE OMG. BTW I DREAM FOR STAR WARS REBELS REACTIONS RIGHT NOW just because you said it AHAHAHAHAH

Brandon Jensen - May the force be with you

Yea and the difference is Obi lost her and Anakin killed her. Light vs dark side, it leads to pain but the difference is if you embrace it or oppose it. "You can kill me, but you will never destroy me. It takes strength to resist the dark side. Only the weak embrace it. And those who oppose it are more powerful than you'll ever be"

Trevor Darnell

Unfortunately, we won't find out in this show what Palpatine does with Maul. They made it into a comic called Son of Dathomir. So, I won't spoil it in case you wanna read it.

Trevor Darnell

Also just a little pet peeve of mine lol but Anakin hasn't replaced Maul as Palpatine's apprentice at this current time. Count Dooku replaced Maul when Maul seemly died on Naboo by Obi-wan. Then Anakin replaced Dooku.


I do not think that Satine was mentioned in The Mandalorian. However, that show did mention Bo-Katan's family name several times, and in Clone Wars that same family name is used for Satine.


Remember the Sith control both the Republic and the Separatist, the whole point of the war is to kill the Jedi and to give Palpatine enough power to declare himself Emperor. Sidious controls the Republic, his apprentice, Dooku controls the separatists. When Sidious told Maul he had been replaced, he was talking about Dooku at this point, then Sidious betrays Dooku in Revenge of the Sith, leaving that spot empty to make Anakin his apprentice.


This is a well done audio comic of what happened to Maul, if anyone wants to continue the story. https://youtu.be/HCDcloyH_I4


Now you guys can understand why the episode where you met Bo Katan in The Mandalorian was called "The Heiress". As far as I understand it, Bo is the heir to the throne of Mandalore since she's Satine's younger sister. I REALLY hope we get back to Mandalore in live action this time in Season 3 of Mando. FINGERS CROSSED! So ironic how one of them grew up a complete pacifist and the other into warrior culture. I always wonder what Bo thought would happen to her sister in Visla's plan after he took control. Did she think Satine would die? Did she not see that coming? Or was she hoping Satine would only be imprisoned?


Interesting to contrast Maul's killing of Satine with the death of Qui-Gon Jinn back in Phantom Menace, choosing to run Satine through with a sabre just as he did to Qui-Gon Jinn (and with Obi-Wan watching). I think Maul is sufficiently vindictive for this to have been a conscious decision. And story-wise, in both instances it was not immediately fatal, so it allowed Qui-Gon and Satine to exchange final words with Obi-Wan. Also note Obi-Wan's reactions then and now - as a padawan, seeing his master fall sent him almost into a battle frenzy (and, one could argue, ultimately sending Maul down the path that led here to Satine); in this episode we see how much he's grown - as a more seasoned Jedi, the killing of a former flame caused no less grief but the rage was in check, if not altogether absent.

Joel Miller

The way that Satine and Savage both died in the arms of Obi-Wan/Maul reflects back to the Phantom Menace with Qui-Gon’s death with Obi-Wan. The detail is incredible.


The next arc though 😥


Omg, the final arch of season 5 😢😢😢😢 I can’t wait


Yess Dooku took is place but I do think that he’s talking about Anakin at that moment, Palpatine was already trying to manipulate Anakin to become is future apprentice, Anakin was the real apprentice, Dooku was only a facade...