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Oh no R2! This devastating us! We were in utter shock and denial and started to wonder if he was rebuilt completely anew.. but alas, he was still salvageable! Phew! What a brave and amazing droid!

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Matthew Richson

That explosion is easily one of the best moments in the show. Just shows how far the animation had improved up to that point, and it only gets better!


Remember the explosives which The Mandalorian and Mayfield were transporting in the penultimate episode of the last season of the show in that big ground transport? Like the explosives in this episode that was also rhydonium, a very volatile type of fuel in the Star Wars universe. Also, non-spoiler hype for next week, it starts a dramatic arch full of action, excitement, and sadness I can't wait for you guys to see!


Star Wars does not try to be consistent with it's physics, but ships usually drop to sub-light speed as soon as the hyperdrive is turned off. In real physics, faster than light speed does not make sense, so you cannot even calculate the energy from an FTL collision. We can say for sure that there is no need to put a bomb on a fast moving large spaceship, as the energy from the collision will be far greater than any conceivable bomb.

Trevor Darnell

Best explosion ever in Star Wars.

Trevor Darnell

The only time we have ever seen a ship ram something while going at lightspeed was in EP 9: The Last Jedi, and even then it was special circumstances because the ship had experimental shields and they had to turn off all the fail safes to accomplish it. Also, it's not something you could do while jumping/using a hyperspace lane. They would have to go back into hyperspace again and by then the Republic might have realized it was hijack and would attempt to stop it.

Trevor Darnell

Lol, I know you guys mean lightspeed but I just can't but lol at "warp speed." But yes you eventually slowdown when coming out of lightspeed because you would A) hit something B) get caught in the gravitational pull of a planet or moon C) get hit by a ship that was using the same hyperspace lane.


Heh, I was going to say the same thing about the Rhydonium being in the Mandalorian 😄 and yea IMO the next two arcs are the best arcs of the show without counting the very last arc. I'm so hyped for their reactions to the coming arcs and then we also get Bad Batch coming out on May 4th 😁


Thanks Trevor! I always love your comments! LOL! One of our editors is my sister in law, Heather and she edited this video and told us the same thing! Warp speed is Star Trek... this is Lightspeed. I love all your different theories too.. that would make sense! I never thought of hyperspace being lanes. I know those lanes are charted and they use accurate coordinates... but I didn't think of it as a commonly used road because space is just so vast... but that makes the best sense why there aren't ship accidents everywhere! Thanks again!


OMG, thanks David! You explained this WAY better than me, LOL! This is what I was trying to express during our review! Thanks for this! I was over thinking any collision at light speed would most likely be insanely big. I'm glad the physics aren't consistent just for that reason alone. It would be too chaotic and easy for bad people to do some major damage.

Daniel R

Love seeing Buzz Droids