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Oh the tears! This was hard to watch! Our hearts are broken, but wow what an amazing episode! So many emotions running high all the way through!

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Matthew Richson

Up next, everyone’s favorite. 😁


Excellent reaction, guys! Particularly enjoyed Lincoln & Hive's Bowie-esque moment where they essentially notice that planet Earth is blue - cue Storm: "there's nothing he could do!" In mourning Lincoln, let's not forget the extraordinary run Brett Dalton aka Grant Ward/Hive has had on the show, getting to portray several different characters during his run. The boy scout super agent, the turn coat, the evil organisation boss, the hybridised alien overlord... OMG Season 4 is almost here - hang on to your hats, ladies!

Jordan Haddow

Great reaction. Such an epic and painful end to the season. Just when you think Daisy has been put through the ringer, the run her through again even worse. That's one thing I like about Mutant Enemy productions. Characters who go through severe trauma aren't just reset to normal the next show. That trauma large short term effects and minor long term effects. Six months doesn't seem to have been nearly long enough to heal Daisy's wounds. I have to say too. One of the things I really like about this season is how different the Villain was. If.you think about it, Hive wasn't really evil. He wasn't acting out of malice or a really evil intent. It was just his function in life as a parasite to consume without end. I'm looking forward to you all watching the next season. It might not seem like it, but they can take us further down the rabbit hole that is the craziness of Agents of SHIELD. Oh, one last thing. I don't know if anyone has mentioned the rumor that the MCU is thinking of making an Agents of SHIELD reboot, but I thought I would ask what your thoughts on something like that happening would be? Anyone else want to chime in, please do.

Christopher simeon

The Reason for the abrupt ending makes sense symbolically as daisy end with Lincoln cut abruptly too