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This was so heart breaking! We really see now how much control Hive has over his subjects. Mack is such a brave, wonderful and loyal guy... to take such a risk though... it almost killed us too! :O

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Christopher simeon

Just a reminder that the finale is a two parter. Ep 21 and 22 if possible should be watched back to back.

Jordan Haddow

Such a painful episode. My first time watching it, I felt like I spent the whole time chanting, "No Daisy" over and over. Poor Mac. Plus, all this hectic craziness for the last couple of episodes tends to make us forget the other thing. Who has the cross from Daisy's vision. Who would have guessed near the beginning of the season that one of the big bads (Yes I did sneak in a Buffy reference there ;P ) would be Daisy herself. These writers sure know how to keep you on your toes. Nobody is safe. Can't wait to watch you see what happens next week.

Christopher simeon

Fun fact this episode premiered right before captain America civil war and you will see repercussions of that movie here as well.