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Hi everyone and welcome back! We did get a couple requests to watch the Agent Carter series too... please leave in the comments if you think we should watch that before finishing AoS... that would be once a week and would replace AoS for a few months. Otherwise, if we keep growing, down the road we will try to make time to watch that series at a later date or add it to our next TV POLL :)

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I don’t think you should replace AOS

Armchair Wizard

Agent Carter is very good, but you don't have to do it now. You could finish AOS first.


Agent Carter is good, but I prefer AOS. Maybe slot it in after Luke Cage as your second Marvel series since it has the shorter seasons

Christopher simeon

Come on people it is only 18 episodes. Let them watch it at the proper time which is before season 3 of shield. Plus it will feel more like a long time has have past between the end of this season like we experienced. I don’t want them watching later near 7 when the rest of you will suddenly want them to. I want them to get all the tie ins and connections in season 3 and 4 to agent carter. Especially about a certain logo. You guys know what I’m talking about.

Erwin Rogier

I think you should definitely watch the show BEFORE ending AoS, because I think it would be more rewarding that way... however, I understand people not wanting AoS to stop because it's gonna get amazing real soon ! My best advice is maybe to do what other people have suggested in the comments, which is to watch it after Luke Cage season 1 ? The first season of Agent Carter is only 8 episodes, and the second is 10 episodes, so it would make sense I think to watch it in between the other short seasons of Marvel TV. For example you could do : one Marvel-Netflix season, one Carter season, then another Marvel-Netflix, then Carter etc.. just my advice though, do what you think is best for everyone :)

William chase robinson

Great reaction! Just throwing my two cents in about agent Carter I think after season 5 would be a good point for that if 1. You want to see both seasons back to back 2. It has to take the shield time slot I say this because I think it makes for a good breather and there is an element in one of the last 2 seasons that you won’t fully appreciate if you haven’t seen agent carter.

Christopher simeon

Why do that when you can do it when it has the most impact which is before season 3 and 4 tie ins and is when it aired originally. Season 5 is way to late to be cutting it with another show. This is the natural place it comes in.

William chase robinson

The “tie ins” in seasons 3 and 4 are just inconsequential Easter eggs that add no real meat to the experience. there is no natural place agent Carter fits in with agents of shield they are completely separate stories for the most part. I suggest season five because(and I’m trying to explain this without spoiling anything)It just feels like a natural stopping point just to take a breather especially considering it had a year-long hiatus between seasons five and six. Personally I would prefer agent Carter took the slots of one of the marvel Netflix shows, but if it has to be the AOS slot this is my recommendation and I’m not budging onthat. Though of course ultimately the choice is theirs👍

Christopher simeon

They literally fit right before season 3 perfectly (because they were made to fit there that is when it aired and set up many things that we see in season 3 and 4 as well. A certain symbol as well


Season 1 aired in the middle of AOS Season 2 and Season 2 aired in the middle of AOS Season 3. The only particularly significant tie in happens much later in AOS and selfishly, I really can't wait to see their reactions to Season 4.