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Hi everyone and welcome back! We finished another season of Daredevil! It's going to be hard to wait until we can continue with Season 3, but we look forward to Luke Cage! There are so many Marvel shows! LOL! I'm happy we are watching Agents of SHIELD separately.. I also believe that runs on it's own timeline outside of these other Marvel shows? Guess we'll find out!

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Luke Cage is Next!!!! I can't wait!!!

Nicole Christie

whats after Luke Cage? Is it Jessica Jones S2 or are you all watching Iron Fist?(please no)


I think it's Iron Fist. Based on the reviews I never watched it. But the series after that I definitely watched. Can't wait till we get there.


Yay! It is!! We just watched the first episode and OMG!!!! Will edit and have that up by Wednesday!