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Hi everyone and welcome back! This season is so different than the last! I'm so heart broken about Fitz! ... and where is Simmons?! I hope we will find out!

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Here is a temp LINK as well: https://youtu.be/rX4aMNO5puw

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Christopher simeon

All you questions will be answered. It’s creel. rhymes with real. Creel was calmed down by the man speaking to him not anything else. If you didn’t notice creel touched raina when he grabbed the stone out of her hand and she didn’t turn to stone. Every season the show changes and now in season 7 it is unrecognizable.

Calculatus Eliminatus

And since they've seen Daredevil (and I think this has been said before), Carl Creel was the boxer that Matt's dad fought and beat the night he was killed.


I seriously love the Agents of Shield reactions. Can’t wait to experience the ride of emotions with you guys again. The final season (7) starts Wednesday and I’m not ready for it to go 😢 but atleast I’ll have catching up to do with you guys!!