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Wow! We made it! This was so insane! Protect your ears. LOL. That's all I'll say! :O

Note- My sister in law, Heather, is new with editing our FULL Reactions (mainly the reviews and syncing microphone and content), so she got really excited and put a ton of cross dissolves in our beginning and ending reviews to close 1 second gaps of pauses during discussions.. it kind of looks like we messed up a lot during our review, but she could've pretty much left the review raw. Anywho, she is trying hard and learning still so I went over this with her. All is good! Just the cross dissolves are super trippy, LOL!

You can find this video in our Google Drive. Our LINK is located right on this same page. Look for "LINK- ALL FULL Reactions". This LINK can appear sometimes at the top of our POSTS page or the bottom, depending on when they were updated. Please feel free to message me directly if you have any issues :)

Here is a temp LINK as well: https://youtu.be/28bSN4vEJ30

Thanks so much for your support! You keep us creating and we can't thank you enough! Please enjoy! xoxo



Daniel R

You guys made it to Season 5, if you thought the show was stressful now you're not ready but I'm excited to see you relive the best season of the show. SO EXCITED. Ding! Ding! Ding!

Daniel R

I really hope you guys do El Camino and Better Call Saul after you finish Season 5; it completes the whole story

Daniel R

I just want you guys to think about the scene where Walt was spinning the gun in the background. He spins it twice and it lands on him, the third spin... it lands on....... well, think about it :)


Yes, that last shot was confirmation that Walt is the one who poisoned Brock


In the previous episode, "End Times", Jesse accused Walt of having Saul's henchman Huel pickpocket the ricin off of him. He said Walt had gotten Saul to get Jesse into Saul's office for that specific purpose. All of his details were correct, but Walt talked him out of believing it! And Walt said Gus was 10 steps ahead, when it was Walt 10-stepping everyone else. Gus didn't walk to his car because he thought it was suspicious that Jesse said the boy was poisoned... something wasn't right, so he walked away. Massive power play by Walt.

Carlos Hurtado

Lol. Kim sorta called it early. “Face off. I hope it’s not literal”.


The last scene is an indication that Walt was the one who poisoned Brock and was manipulating Jesse against Gus the entire time.

Trevor Darnell

The cross dissolves are so hilarious. Love your reactions! 💙