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Hi everyone and welcome back! Transformers 3 did WIN our POLLS, so there is no question that we will watch it in the near future.. this is our first time putting up multiple POLLS for Transformers 3 because we are trying to work with everyone here. So many voted for just Kim and I to react to Transformers without Mom, then messaged me afterwards stating they didn't realize Mom wasn't included. Those messages greatly out weighed the few requesting we watch without Mom before the second POLL.

Please be aware Mom WILL NOT watch Transformers 3 if only Kim and I WIN the vote.

I really try to make this fun and keep as many happy as possible. Please understand these multiple POLLS happened due to the Coronavirus and we are adapting to the change.

Thank you for understanding! You all are amazing! Because of your nice comments, Kim and I just watched Transformers The Movie from 1986, so that will be up shortly, alongside Pulp Fiction! Yay!



I say watch and react to the animated 1986 Transformers The Movie in the meantime!

Anakin Starkiller

Since all of you are so invested in this and these are the shorter Transformers films. I mean 4 is almost 3 hours , yes you should watch it with your mother


I agree with the comment above. You and Kim should react to the ORIGINAL Transformers the Movie from '86. It's fantastic and the animation is amazing! It will help people get their Transformers reaction fix while we wait for your mom to rejoin the crew!

Sohail Jafar

She’s already watched the first two and it would be sad to see her not watch the developments in the 3rd instalment, therefore, we should wait until your Mother is able to watch with you two :)

Anakin Starkiller

I agree with David Transformers The Movie is pretty epic and I definitely would add it to the Transformers


I'll throw in my support with the comments above, if you're going to hold off on Transformers 3, then watch and react to Transformers the Movie from 1986 with Kim. It's what got me into Transformers in the first place!


I'm fine either way. But reading some of the other comments here, supplementing with the animated Transformers the Movie sounds like a really cool idea!


I'll abstain from voting in this particular poll. But since people are throwing out random Transformers-related suggestions, might I add... When Mom comes back, and if the Transformers trend continues, I think you all might enjoy BUMBLEBEE. It's a standalone movie, so you could jump right into it without finishing the "main series" first.


Yes! I also would love this! One of my favorite animated movies ever!

Matthew Richson

Watching the 1986 animated movie sounds like a great holdover, I throw in my support of the idea! Mom gets to watch the third movie with the rest of you, Pulp Fiction gets watched like some people were hoping for, everyone’s happy!


I think it's kinda crappy that you put TF3 on that most recent poll in the first place, knowing the circumstances, and then after it wins the poll(for the 2nd time in a row), you put up this poll to discourage patrons from voting for it. Should have left it off the last poll altogether. I guess I'll throw my support with a lot of these others who are recommending Transformers the Movie from 1986.


I absolutely cannot wait for your Pulp Fiction reaction. It isn't like anything you have seen before.


If you're going to postpone Transformers 3, then you should replace it for the time being with the animated movie from '86! The animation holds up better than almost any modern 2D animation, and the soundtrack and score are totally 80's!


Count me in with the others for the animated Transformers:The Movie!! Bummed about postponing TF 3, but the animated movie from the 80's would be an awesome substitute for the time being!


Hi Jerry! Sorry you feel that way! We really try our best to make everyone happy and it's really hard to do so. It's not easy and it's not straight forward when it comes to thousands of people messaging me. I put Transformers 3 on the second POLL due to many messages requesting I do so without Mom... but right when that won, I received so many more messages to please hold off until Mom could watch. The first time POLL for Transformers 3 was for the 3 of us to watch together, but then the virus spread rapidly around our area, so we didn't want to risk Mom's life by reacting together. So the second POLL was right after to decide whether to watch without. Anywho, it's been a cycle of demands and it's only been just over a week with both POLLS. We really try hard and are not trying to delay anything intentionally. Most thought it was crappy to not include Mom in the first place. We try to keep this fun, but when we get negative responses like this, it kind of ruins the content experience for us. We are only human and I wish now I didn't put T3 on the POLL for Kim and I... again, I only did that because many requested I do so.. but then I was flooded with even more messages directly after to not. Thanks for being a fan and I hope you can forgive me :)


Damn, a THIRD poll after winning the previous two?


I don't mind either way, I just hope you have Star Trek 2 in those 'banked' movie reactions :P


I am loving the support for the 1986 animated Transformers The Movie in the comments! It's so good! I think that would be a fine placeholder for Transformers Dark of the Moon. A cool fact, it's got the same voice actor for Optimus Prime as in the live-action films!


That's a great idea! I'll look into that! Where can I find that movie? LOL! Maybe Amazon? I'll check!


OMG, I'm actually excited! I know some of the quotes from Li since she loves that movie so much! Kim knows absolutely nothing about Pulp Fiction! .. not that I know much, but I have seen a couple parts of it..


Please react to Gravity Falls! It's really short compared to other shows.


Yeah she has watched the others with you, would be a shame to go ahead without her :) You should maybe try John Wick 3 as you have not done 1 or 2with her maybe?


Such a tough situation(for everyone right now). I'm fine with postponing TF3, even though I've loved your guys' Transformers reactions thus far! Count me in for the animated Transformers movie that everyone else is recommending, (if that's even an actual option!)


I voted twice for TF3, but I think it's the right thing to postpone it until Mom can return. However, I'm diggin the idea in the comments about watching the 1986 animated film. I hope that gets some consideration!


Wow look at all the love for Transformers the Movie '86! Has that even been on any of the previous polls?


Count me in for Transformer the Movie, that film was such a huge part of my childhood! I have it on dvd, but is it even streaming anywhere?


Sorry! I was overloaded with messages to wait for Mom after the second POLL WON. Trying to keep everyone happy. We look forward to T3 either way! This is all because of the Coronavirus.. we planned on all 3 of us watching the first time, but Mom's safety came first once the virus exploded in NYC... we are not too far away from there.


Thanks!! OMG, I want to watch that soon with Mom and Kim! Unfortunately, that didn't make it to our 'banked' reactions.. but it was planned too before we actually decided to stop with Mom... we stopped a week ahead than originally planned...


As someone who voted for TF3 in both polls, I say go ahead and hold off until we can get all 3 to watch and react to it. I will say I like the idea floating around in the comments for the animated movie!


wish there was an option to vote for "This movie sucks don't waste your time with it"


How about "All films are subjective, if you don't like, ok then."


While I'm bummed to have to wait longer for your Transformers 3 reaction, I think it's best to wait and have all 3 of you to watch it and react together. And also, a big YES to Transformers The Animated Movie, if you are indeed considering watching that!


While I am so very much looking forward to the Transformers 3 reaction(love that movie!), it is probably best to hold off until your Mom can return to doing reactions with you.


Yeah, probably best to postpone the TF3 reaction. I'm seeing a lot of talk in the comments for the animated movie! I hope that's an actual possibility, I love that movie! I saw it at the theater about a year and a half ago when they did a 1 night showing at my local theater and it was great seeing it on the big screen!


Wait.. there was an animated movie?

Caleb Harvey

Can you react to Django unchained and hateful eight please


Knives Out would be a supper fun watch as well


I suppose I can wait until all 3 of you can get together for TF3, but I do love the idea of having the animated movie from 1986 as a fill in!

Armchair Wizard

Oh Pulp Fiction, i can't wait for that!!!


May I ask if you may wait for mum to react to this one. It truly wont be the same without all three of you. Have you considered watching the movie "Gravity" with Sandra Bullock?

Cameron Trail

If you're looking for more movie franchises to watch, might I suggest the Mission Impossible movies or the Jason Bourne movies


So I'm wondering with all the support shown in the comments, might we actually get a reaction for the animated Transformers The Movie?

Caleb Harvey

Can you wait for mom to come back to watch the patriot, someone posted it might be too violent for her but it's not as gruesome as zombieland or gladiator or any of the other violent movies she's seen, its a great story that's both sad and amazing and I really think she'll enjoy it.


unpopular opinion probably really unpopular but i kind of wanna see u guys react to the death note netflix movie and then the show :) i just feel its a fun horror comedy XD


There a couple of movies I think you should all do reactions for next when Mom safely returns, even though there not on the lists but I think you should do the next reactions for "The Mummy Returns" since I remember you all did reactions for the first "Mummy" film, and also "Kong: Skull Island" which is the next chapter after "Godzilla" - which you all did reactions for that one too. Those are just a couple of my suggestions, I'm not saying you have too - it just depends by everyone's votes and also to everyone on Storm Akima too. I love all the movie reactions for many of my favorite franchises that you all did so far - including "Transformers", "Harry Potter", "Jurassic Park", "Marvel", etc. Storm Akima - you all are amazing, fun, and absolutely fantastic - love you all!