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Hi everyone! I hope you all are doing well and being safe! We are doing well ourselves, but we reached a point where we don't want to risk Mom's safety on the channel... and my Dad has serious lung complications, so he would not survive the virus. We were hoping to push another week with the three of us, but it's just too high of a risk now, especially with Kim working in healthcare and needs to be there.

Kim and I will continue together, reacting at my house as long as we can.. but if she or anyone she works with has the Coronavirus in the future, it will be just me for a couple weeks. Whatever happens, we are in this together and will get through it together. You all being here means a lot and I know we all are going through hard times. 

I'm going to try to see this in a positive light- trying something new for the channel which could be a lot of fun over the next month with just Kim and I (or just me).. like gaming together, reacting to movies w/o Mom (even scary movies.. OMG).. maybe even anime? Let me know in the comments below!

We have been preparing for this over the last few weeks.. we are so full with our schedules with work and reacting, but we've been squeezing in an extra reaction or more every moment we could... so now we have 2 weeks worth of our normal show reactions because of that... but in real time, we will not be seeing Mom until the virus calms down or when it's absolutely necessary. I used to work in healthcare and am a professional when it comes to sterilization... I'm actually quite crazy about it, LOL!

Anywho, love you and we weren't able to get to Transformers 3.. so I will make a POLL to either wait till we can watch with Mom again or just watch with Kim and I. I will be going through messages this week as well since I haven't had time to do so since we have been putting so much more time into reacting.

Love you all and thanks for reading! We wish you good health and hope we can still bring you joy! xoxo



Stay safe! Better ro stay on the safe side.


"Fe Sharpens Fe" is free to watch for you and you are in the end credits as a co-producer


You guys be safe , your family is more important than this.

Christopher simeon

We understand of course. Will mom be watching on her own for shows like AOS so when things are back to normal she will still be caught up?

Lemuel Daher

Stay safe you guys! Obviously health and well-being is the priority here! Also, would Korra have been one of the shows you reacted to before your break?

Matthew Richson

Aw man... that’s a bummer. But it’s better to be safe then sorry. Kind of figured that this would impact the channel at some point, but I guess I didn’t want to believe it. And it’s a shame, I was really looking forward to one last Transformers movie(don’t watch the next two, just becomes a greater mess).


In fact, half of the proceeds of the film are going to directrelief.org, to help doctors and nurses get the equipment they need


Doing some movies that you wouldn't normally be able to do with your Mom would probably be a good idea for the time being.


Also if you want to react to an anime, you know my other suggestion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CK5yqGb-aOs&list=PLJ-StKElexvYvSDQmdoCf9hXDtLd3b5UV&index=1


She'll be missed, but it's the right decision. None of us want her health to be jeopardized. Or your father's health for that matter. I'll still be eager to follow what you do on the channel.


I hope you save Korra for when you three can all react together again!


All of you stay safe! Your health is much more important than reactions.


All of your fans and patrons understand and support this decision. The reactions will be great with just you and Kim, or if need be, just you. And when your Mom can return, it'll make things even better.


Hi Lemuel and thanks for your nice words! Actually, yes! We watched 3 episodes already! I'm happy we were able to do that! Phew!


Hi again Christopher! Thanks for understanding! xoxo We are 2 episodes ahead right now, which is good! I'm editing 117 now! We will pause AoS once I'm out of current AoS reactions and will continue once Mom's available.. I am however looking into ways to have her watch with us through some kind of online service.. but I'm not too familiar with how to do that besides Skype.. and even then, that may be hard for Mom to do on her own. So we'll see! Bottom line is we won't continue our normal shows without Mom :)


Hi Matthew! Thanks for understanding! Yes, I totally agree, and it was a hard decision.. it's not worth the risk health wise.. Mom and Dad both have lung issues and that's high risk for the virus. It is a bummer, but hopefully it will only be for a short while.. and Kim and I will continue together for as long as we can! :D


Thanks! I think that is a good idea too! IT 2 has been requested a lot and I heard that is scarier than the first! I am such a wuss... LOL


Thanks so much Ruaidhri! She loves being on the channel so much too, but she understands. I feel bad reacting without her. She's so great! I kept thinking, no matter how careful we are... and if Mom got sick..it would be our fault and I could never live with that. I'm sure this new (and temporary) change could be fun!


Hi Cheryl! Thanks so much for your kind words! That really means a lot! xoxox


Best wishes to you and your family/friends Dawn l really hope you guys will be alright....also to your father and other relatives with physical impairment or diseases in their lives surviving this or not us reactors/followers are with you and will be there for you, bless you and bless everyone and take care pls:)

Sohail Jafar

You made the right choice, hope you all are feeling well at this moment. TV Shows: - The Crown Movies: (in order) - Fast and Furious (series) - Mission Impossible (series) - Jaws - Despicable Me (series) - Mean Girls - La La Land - Ice Age (series) - The Family Stone - Coco - Maleficent Hope these are part of your list too :)


Thank you so much, WastedPo! You always say such nice things! I really appreciate you understanding this. It was so hard to make that call and Mom was still on board with doing reactions.. but it's just not worth the risk.. since Mom only has contact with Kim and I (who also do her shopping with gloves and wipe down certain products)... if she did get the virus.. it would be our fault.. and she lives with our Dad so he would definitely get it.. and he has so many bad lung complications.. it would just be bad. Thanks for being so supportive! xoxo

Sohail Jafar

For games - I’d love you to play the Uncharted series!! :D


Totally understandable! Safety and health comes first and we'll be there for you after everything is done. It is cool that there could be other opportunities with all of the happening (taking a bright side perspective), such as gaming or scary movies. IF you are planning on doing more anime, that would be awesome too! However, if you ever consider watching Your Name I think mom and Kim would really like it too. It's a great beginning anime movie to start with (funny, emotional, cute, etc). Stay safe!


Be safe all of you best wishes for your family & eveyone


Since you guys can't do Transformers 3 together right now. One you could do solo is the 1986 animated classic, Transformers: The Movie. It has spectacular animation, even a bit of an anime influence. Also, several voice actors in this reprised their roles in the live-action movies, like Optimus Prime!


A recommendation for a horror movie is Ready or Not. It came out last year and is more intense and a survival movie than scary. Also is really funny. Hope you are all doing well. Maybe you and Kim could watch the haunting of hill house on netflix also?


Did you guys finish Jessica Jones by any chance?


if you guys reacted to RWBY id be complete! my other 2 favs are the Sherlock films with Robert JR. and The Woman in black with Daniel radcliff aint a bad horror flick .... but I hope you stay safe! watching films with u guys is like having another family with me :) im in florida so were in lock down basically.... but at least there are reactions lol. in the words of the mom.... "please bitch you've been to space!" lol

Seany McBuckets

You guys should react to Person of Interest, Mad Men, or Breaking Bad with them. Praying for you all!!!


Dawn, thanks so much for responding to my comment. The reasoning for your decision makes even more sense with the details you provided. I don't know if this is the appropriate post for movie suggestions, but since you might be using this time to watch slightly more "borderline" movies, I did have a less mainstream suggestion. EX MACHINA: This is a minimalist sci-fi movie that came out in 2014, but I only just recently saw it. I thought it was excellent. I also found it really interesting that it stars Domhnall Gleeson, who played the pompous General Hux in the new Star Wars trilogy. Not only that, but he plays opposite Oscar Isaac, who of course played Poe in Star Wars. It's startling how different their dynamic is here, but I guess that's what good actors do.


Say safe, keep calm and watch anime XD

Sarah Sanchez

Do the best for you guys, if we need to wait for that movie that is ok. Stay safe and hope everything goes well.

Alpha Leader

Be Safe, my thoughts are with you guys.


feel you guys. we locked in our grandparents last week. so they dont have physical contact with anyone during this. we shop for them and drop it off at their door. not even going in. this stuff is serious business and im glad you guys took it seriously aswell <3. much good luck to you guys and we will get through this :) <3 ps. locked in doesnt mean they cant go out. they just cant go to social gatherings or stores or anything. if they want to go out for walks. sure haha.


I think you guys should check out Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. it has a scene towards the end that I'm sure would be too much for your mother so it would be good for just the two of you to react to it. The part that stinks is its a Tarantino movie set in 1969 during the time period of the Manson killings so it could bee cool to hear what your mom maybe would have known about that time and if she had any memories. Overall, its a Tarantino movie, so you just have to check it out, probably one of my favorites of 2019, a year with so many great movies.


Hope you're all keeping well, your health and safety is the most important thing! This would be a great chance for Kim to watch 'The Walking Dead' which is killing it at the moment! Maybe if you get the chance you could react to the shows premiere, see if she's interested? I have a feeling she'll love it 😂

Carlos Hurtado

We will miss seeing your mom in content but I’m happy you are keeping her safe! Too many people aren’t taking it seriously enough.


Glad you're taking such good measures to keep everyone safe! Tangled, Scott Pilgirm vs. The World, or Silver Linings Playbook would be a fun to see.


I appreciate you all, much love to you and the community! Steven universe perhaps? Give it a chance Episodes 2 and 12 at Least

Katie Stubbs

I replied to your post on Twitter but Sons of Anarchy maybe a good show to try! It possibly wouldn't be Mum's cup of tea so I'd recommend that? :) Much love and stay safe! <3


The Lord bless you and your family and you all are in my prayers.


Definitely the right call. Better to be safe and healthy. Hope you guys are doing well all things considered! Were guys able to finish Jessica Jones? Rewatching that show with you guys has been a highlight of my weeks (especially now lol) Just curious. Stay safe and glad you made the right call by keeping your mom safe


Now you can watch Quentin Tarantino movies :)

Steven Dorsey

If you want sometihng that's not too scary that you all can watch, I've been planning on voting for you guys to watch "The 10th Kingdom" for a while now. If you guys ever react to that, I think you'd all find it hilarious.