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Hi everyone and welcome back! Happy to watch more Anakin and Ahsoka (and some Obi too!) Sorry I kept mispronouncing Plo's name. I caught that when editing. Doh!

You can find this video in our Google Drive. Our LINK is located right on this same page. Look for "LINK- ALL FULL Reactions". This LINK can appear sometimes at the top of our POSTS page or the bottom, depending on when they were updated. Please feel free to message me directly if you have any issues :)

Here is a temp LINK as well: https://youtu.be/TkNqiprXxDQ

Thanks so much for your support! You keep us creating and we can't thank you enough! Please enjoy! xoxo



Daniel R

You will come to learn to tell the clones apart from one another in time. Really glad you guys are enjoying this, just keep in mind that all this stuff happens before Episode 3 so it would be fun (in the years to come once you finish lol) to rewatch Revenge of the Sith with all of the knowledge you gain from this show.