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Hi everyone and welcome back! So we are trying to watch both AoS and The Clone Wars, but I can't guarantee it every week until we finish another show first, LOL. So many commitments! I may still add a TV POLL to decide between the two until then. Also, sorry for the static being different over the PIP.. somehow I deleted the original FULL version, but thank goodness I still had a flat HD copy.. but I had to block out the visual XP

You can find this video in our Google Drive. Our LINK is located right on this same page. Look for "LINK- ALL FULL Reactions". This LINK can appear sometimes at the top of our POSTS page or the bottom, depending on when they were updated. Please feel free to message me directly if you have any issues :)

Here is a temp LINK as well:  https://youtu.be/TbVH9aPth7w

Thanks so much for your support! You keep us creating and we can't thank you enough! Please enjoy! xoxo



Calculatus Eliminatus

Thanks for this. I'm enjoying all of your reactions to this so much. Would you believe it if, as all the fans will tell you, that this portion of the show is just the appetizer? It continues to get better and better. Three brothers. Older, Grant, Younger.. Younger in well, Older wouldn't let Grant help him.


At the beginning of the eposide they were cleaning the mess after thor had a fight with the dark elves in thor dark world the 2nd thor movie and also that was is little bro in the well but he did die because before he coukd get the rope he drowned. Awesome video like always!!!:)


Before is little bro could grap the rope he drowned*


will transformers be the next film series because there are a lot of movies in the series like harry potter.


Really hope district 9 wins instead.

Calculatus Eliminatus

You sure about the little brother? They didn't show that and the show did not say that. Don't know if you are caught up with the show, but at this point in time, the status of the younger brother is not known. Saying anything else would either be a spoiler or a deception.