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Hi everyone and welcome back! I can't believe we are here! What an epic episode! Many of you have contacted me and/or commented here that Jessica Jones Season 1 is next to stay in order of release... so expect Jessica Jones next week! We're so into Daredevil now, that it's gonna be hard, LOL! We'll manage I guess XD

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Here is a temp LINK as well: https://youtu.be/x3QcrCv3Mr4

Thanks so much for your support! You keep us creating and we can't thank you enough! Please enjoy! xoxo




I can't wait for you to start season 2! Never watched Jessica Jones so this blows lol

Steven Dorsey

I know how you feel, being excited for Season 2 of Daredevil, but i can honestly say that I think Jessica Jones is their 2nd best show of the IP.


Yay! I am so excited to watch this reaction. This season has been such a fun series to watch with you guys! I may be even more excited for you guys to start Jessica Jones! Season 1 is just as good as Daredevil season 1 and Jessica is such a great Marvel character. DD is my favorite show but Jessica is my favorite Marvel Netflix character! So excited for you guys to start that show! And I think it really is for the best to watch Marvel Netflix in order of release just the like MCU films.

Rafael Benedicto

Jessica Jones should certainly be in your next playlist. But if the goal is to get to Daredevil S3 you don't have to bother with some of the Netflix MCU (most especially Iron Fist, god that show was awful).


SO glad you guys are watching Jessica Jones! Its my favorite Marvel Netflix show (alongside Daredevil of course :) and getting back to DD afterwards will be that much more exciting. Thanks! xx