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Hi all! Expect Breaking Bad next! It's taking forever to upload today. This movie was made in 1975!

You can find this video in our Google Drive. Our LINKS are located right on this same page. Look for "LINK- MOVIE Reactions" or "LINK- ALL FULL Reactions" (depending on what tier you donated too). These LINKS can appear sometimes at the top of our POSTS page or the bottom, depending on when they were updated. Please feel free to message me directly if you have any issues :)

Here is a temp LINK as well: https://youtu.be/vKVchXDIg1E

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matthew berry

A nice surprise! I'm a HUGE stanley Kubrick fan so any of his movies are a treat.


Hi girls i need to talk to You. Have and email please?


Oh please 🙄, a clockwork orange is his best movie out of the ones listed. And also has the most to say about our society as a whole


Love this movie, but I love almost every Kubrick film. He is the greatest movie director of all time, hands down.


I really loved the frequent artistic use of chiaroscuro, the contrast of dark and light, in this movie with candles or a chandelier being the only lighting in nighttime scenes. Even the scenes where you had very long shots and subtle changes in character expressions I found to be nearly hypnotic with Handel's "Sarabande" playing throughout, sometimes bombastic, sometimes soft, but always making the scenes more captivating and emotional than they would have been otherwise. Plus there were tons of brilliant quotes throughout this movie, both by the narrator and the characters. The dialogue was top-notch. I honestly can't think of a bad piece of dialogue in the movie. I could go on and on, but I'm glad you enjoyed it, even if the thematic elements were heavier than what you would normally react to.


You guys should totally watch The Favourite starring Emma Stone. This film reminded me a lot of it, despite the difference in subject matter lol. xx