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Hi everyone and thanks again for your patience during this hard time! I have been editing a lot today, so expect Chernobyl, Breaking Bad and Barry Lyndon this weekend! We do plan on watching X-Men: Dark Phoenix as well! There has been a slight delay because of my cat and now this new scary law...

There is an alarming new law that will be taking place on January 1st, 2020 that will impact everyone on YouTube... and it is serious. I have been doing a lot of research on this the last couple days... our Patreon is safe and we plan on creating videos here as long as we have the support to financially do so... but for YouTube, there may be some major changes... one very time consuming one is I will need to change our titles to "AKIMA Reactions" or "STORM Reactions" since "FAMILY" is a 'kid friendly' word, I can be sued $42,500 per video. That's only a sliver of this entire insane law coming into effect. Everything that 'appeals to children'- bright colors, toys, cartoons, certain words like- cool, whatever, duh, etc will automatically be considered "Kid Friendly" content and if I label that video "Not for Kids" with things that appeal to kids, I can be fined each video... this is so out of control... even South Park videos are considered "Kid Friendly"... what's the point of labeling "NOT for KIDS" if the FTC is going to blindly enforce it back to "KID Friendly" when it clearly is not. What is the point of having YouTube kids? Also, any video that is labeled "KID FRIENDLY" by me, will automatically demonetize that video, there will be no notifications, no comments allowed and if there is one element that the FTC considers "NOT KID FRIENDLY" when there is clear KID content involved... you will be striked and sued... so either way, YouTubers are at major risk no matter what choice they select for their videos since it's up to the FTC in the end and we will suffer the consequences..

This is serious for all YouTubers and the FTC is being 'kind' enough to extend their deadline to hear us out on their website... Deadline is on December 9th, so please leave your comments about this on their site (and be civil because they will not listen to disrespect).

YouTube vids about COPPA: (the first one is entertaining and scary, LOL)





COMMENT to the FTC (in a civil manner) about why this is wrong:


Again, we still plan on uploading here.. but this could result in most of our videos being taken off of YouTube and our 'Adult' videos are still at risk if just one FTC person deems it looks at all like "KID FRIENDLY" content... then fined $42,500 each video. Insane. 

Thanks for reading! Many are starting to take this seriously. Some think this isn't major... but I have already been warned byYouTube to get a lawyer and they have posted a video about that as well. Boo!

Love you guys and I really hope they hear us all out! xoxo



This is so ridiculous! Not only does it make ‘Youtube Kids’ (or whatever its called) pointless, but you essentially can’t have a full control over you channel. If you say its kids friendly - you don’t make any money and comments are disabled. If you say its technically not ‘kids friendly’ - you can be fined thousands of dollars if you use bright colours or say certain words that we all just tend to use in our day to day lives. Especially for you guys as you are reacting. Its a lose-lose situation for all creators. This is so stupid.


Well, that’s bullshit. I hope you know, Dawn, that you and your family will ALWAYS have my, and I’m sure many others’, support. 💛


I've only just learned of the details of this COPPA stuff myself, and it's absolutely insane. If this actually goes ahead in a "worst case scenario" type of way, I genuinely think this could spell the end of Youtube, and not just for a select portion of "kid friendly" channels. It seems like a *major* portion of all content creators will be handicapped and penalized to such a degree that they'll be forced off the platform. And if/when that happens, it won't just be them and their fanbases that gets affected. Youtube as a platform will have greatly diminished traffic, which would affect any remaining channels that were lucky enough to be initially spared.


I clicked on not kid friendly for my videos and adult humor but we do do cosplay so i hope they dont think we are for kids


What idiot law makers made that law... geez. Just incredibly lazy and sloppy. I wonder how they plan to enforce it outside the US. If the law stands for long it'll be the death of Youtube.


You've probably seen this but it's pretty good information: vidiq.com/blog/post/coppa-ftc-youtube-everything-you-need-to-know/ Seems to me that stuff that already has a rating (eg. PG-13, R) would already be enough explanation as to what audience is appropriate. Can you just make the rating known in the description? Like Daredevil is NOT for kids and I'm sure Netflix has rated it as such.


America and their dumb laws that affects EVERYONE.

benjamin freeman

shit nothing till the weekend?!?!?!


No matter what happens on YouTube, I'll continue to support you on here


Wow. Awful. That legislation as written is soooooo vague and absurdly broad that normally I'd say it would never survive scrutiny or a legal challenge... but the USA seems to be the breeding ground for terrible laws, so... How stupid.


I understand the fear, but you should understand something. The FTC themselves have stated that they cannot reasonably go after every single COPPA 'violator' especially on YouTube. NO you will not be found and fined by the FTC because they don't care about your channel or my channel or ANYONE'S channel. What has changed and what will be atrocious to deal with is YouTube. As always, because they're YouTube and refuse to actually fix problems they've created new ones. Their bots to find 'kid friendly' channels that are not kid friendly is likely to be broken for at least half a year. As always. Many channels that advertise as kid friendly to YouTube will possibly get attacked by YouTube not the FTC. This is not a matter of you dealing with the government, no matter what number of the copious amount of fear mongers across YouTube say, this is a matter of you or me vs YouTube...Again. I'd say to not worry as much, but be prepared to have YouTube tell you that you can't post this or that, this way or that way. Oh, and just to try and calm you down some, there are lots of people fear mongering on YouTube right now just as there are plenty of people explaining how it will not affect most channels. Those with specific kid bends, yes. Does your channel promote kid material? Not really. Depends on what your view of a 'reaction' is. Anyways, that's what I have to say on the matter. Hopefully it isn't as bad as everyone thinks, and in like half a year's time I genuinely believe we'll be past the COPPApocalypse onto the next terrible thing YouTube tries to implement. YouTube, whose placement of ads on kid video material caused all of this. YouTube, the one who is at fault.

Rafael Benedicto

That law is stupid. YouTube content creators come from all over the world. What about content creators not in the US? How are they going to sue someone that's outside of US jurisdiction?


Every day i watch or read something about US even crazier. Well, i guess you can just post a notice that you posted something in Patreon, filmed in a dimmed dark room with black clothes and hope noone will find it appealing to kids.. Btw, i'm not a creator, but i had a few videos in my account. I went and made them all private. You should look through your old videos and maybe also do something about them.


I don't know why the word "family" would be kid friendly. What about videos about the Manson family?


I think that the content creators should put their own rating or warning on videos without having to change anything drastic about their channel. Just like "Warning: This video contains adult content. Viewer discretion advised. DLSV.


Just give a person options for each individual video like the TV Guide....D for suggestive dialogue (usually means talks about sex), L for coarse or crude language, S for sexual situations, V for violence. If your video contains one or more of those things, just select which ones apply. If not, then just say "General Audiences". That should put you in the clear, no matter what. But the same channel should be able to have videos like both "Paddington" and "Peaky Blinders". Make a rating system like YT, YT+, YT-13, YT-17. If a video is rated YT, it should be suitable for all audiences. YT-17 would be the equivalent of an R-rating. Just referencing "Paddington" again, it's rated PG. The Hunchback of Notre Dame is rated G and SPOILERS starts with the villain breaking a new mother's neck on church steps as she pleads for sanctuary, then gets ready to chuck the baby down a well because of its appearance. He's also a sexual predator who restrains a woman, sniffing her hair, before giving her an ultimatum between either sharing his bed or being burned at the stake. He also burns down an entire city in an attempt to find this woman, on top of condemning a family with children to death by barricading the entrance to their house and commanding one of his subordinates to set fire to it. Now that's considered "Made for Kids" and it's G. Paddington apparently has more adult content. |:o

Steven Dorsey

This whole situation is blowing out of proportion, and I believe this will eventually blow back on the FTC when the negative opinion knocks back. Until then, do what you gotta do, and we'll be rooting for you!