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Surprise! Finally watching some Godzilla! This was a fun surprise for Mom and Kim, especially when they discovered Bryan Cranston was in this! So cool!

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Yasss!!! You should watch Kong: Skull Island before watching Godzilla: King of the Monsters

Matthew Richson

Yeah, watch Kong: Skull Island first before KotM.


I know this is slightly an unpopular opinion - but - "Power Rangers" [2017]? You'll know why.

Rafael Benedicto

If you like Ken Watanabe as well you should also check out The Last Samurai ;)

Ben Tadd Colburn

Can you please watch new Star Wars trailer and can you please play Star Wars A New Hope and The Dark Knight on viemo

King Henry Beauclerc

Honestly I don't see Godzilla as the "Good Guy." He is territorial. There were other Alpha Predators that entered his territory and he had to fight them. I agree that they killed off the wrong character. Bryan Cranston had the emotional hook that would have pulled the audience into the story, the actor playing the son just seemed bland and uninterested. Also, it was awfully convenient that in the entire military presence thoughout the movie only he had the skills to save the day. Anyway it was a decent movie but it could have been much better. So basically the criticisms that you had with the movie were the same ones that most audiences had. That being said Kong: Skull Island improved on alot of it.

King Henry Beauclerc

So the order for the movies are Godzilla (2014), Kong: Skull Island, and then Godzilla King of the Monsters. So the King Kong movie is the next one to watch.


How DARE YOU surprise me with the greatest gift you guys have given me since the Hobbit reactions! ^___^ You guys are literally the best! I haven't watched the reactions yet (still getting my movie ready), but just know you've made me the happiest patron in the world tonight! :D Don't mean to be greedy, but just wanna let ya'll know if you (please PLEASE DO) continue the Monsterverse, it's Kong Skull Island first then Godzilla King of the Monsters. ^___^

Josh B.

Lol they didn't recognize that was Quick Silver, and he is married to Scarlet Witch in this, I am getting Luke and Leia vibes lol, also yeah a big criticism besides Bryan Cranston, was that Godzilla wasn't shown too much, I guess it was just build up for the final battle, but don't worry they make up for it in the sequel which I am excited for, but I am more excited for Kong: Skull Island which is next, its gunna be awesome when Kong vs Zilla comes out :D

Josh B.

It was actually a pretty good reboot for an existing series :D


They did so much right with this film but almost squandered it with a few really big flaws. Too little payoff for all the buildup. I hate that almost all of the action is in pitch blacknes. Still a good movie, and tons better than the awful 90s version of Godzilla. And that HALO jump sequence alone make the film worth watching.


Okay just got done watching the film/reaction! Thanks again for doing the film despite it not winning any polls recently! You three are amazing and I can't wait for Kong! So, I understand the frustrations had with this film. However, contrary to popular belief Godzilla is not actually in his films all that much. The average ratio is about 8 to 9 minutes of TOTAL screen time. In this film he got 11, so a little above. The darkness there is not a whole lot I can defend. I can see everything just fine, but yes the darkness can get a bit much. I think they may have gone a little overboard, but I think for the neo apocalyptic tone they were going for it sorta works. Makes the fires very contrasting. Bryan Cranston is the ONLY thing I find indefensible of this film. I was incredibly annoyed they had killed him off. I think from interviews Bryan certainly seemed like a fan of the Godzilla motif so why they didn't keep him around? No idea. I'm gonna say maybe he was too expensive, or the creators were afraid he would detract from Godzilla as this was shortly after Breaking Bad had ended. If (PLEASE) you go on, don't worry! The fights get much better and the darkness is not as big an issue. Where it's involved anyways. Lol, and don't worry there's only three, soon to be four, Monsterverse films. As for Godzila movies in total there's 35. THE longest film franchise in the world. ^____^

Armchair Wizard

they already reacted to Star Wars and the Dark Knight. You can find it in their google drive link.

Jacob Ward

Well now we've gotta see Shin Godzilla reaction. Compare/Contrast the different approaches.

Daniel R

I think these ladies would be awesome to see react to Starship Troopers :D

Armchair Wizard

i disagree. The Matthew Broderick movie was fun, but was also kind of bad. This one is at least a good movie. There's room for both and I like both for different reasons.

Sohail Jafar

My list of recommendations! YAY! TV Shows: - The Crown - The Mandalorian Movies - Fast and Furious (series) - Transformers (series) - Mission Impossible (series) - Jaws - Beauty and the Beast (1991) - Minions - Despicable Me (series) - Mean Girls - La La Land - Ice Age (series) - The Family Stone - Coco - Maleficent - Cinderella (1950) - Home Alone (series) Thank You! :D