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Hi everyone and sorry for posting sad news.. my old cat Sesshoumaru (Moo)... isn't doing too well so I'm taking her to the vet right after this. She's almost 17 years old and has hyperthyroidism which has been treated the last few years and she's been acting normal until this last month, she really slowed down, has lost a lot of weight and is now very sick... I'm hoping for the best, but it doesn't look good... so I am postponing videos until either tmrw or Sunday depending on the outcome. I want to put up another movie POLL too!

Expect more Breaking Bad and Godzilla this weekend! Thanks everyone! xoxo

UPDATE** Thank you so much for being so supportive! She is doing okay today and I'll know by Monday when all the test results come back what our next step will be. At least she is eating a little at a time and is snuggly still... vet wouldn't tell me much, but was compassionate and gently asked me to wait till Monday for the results to come back before assuming what was wrong with her. We both have an idea of course... :(

Moo is such a great companion! Love you all and thanks again for helping me get through this! xoxox




Oh no! I’m sorry to hear that :( I hope she pulls through! Take all the time you need.


Sad news. A little postponement is fine. Your fans/patreons understand. Take care of yourself.


Get well soon Sesshoumaru! I'll be praying for you!

Blue buddy

I’m so sorry about moo moo I hope she gets better


So sorry to hear that, please do take your time to be with and take care of her!

Jasmin Holmes

Duo reacts is Sick this poor kitty is sick:(


So sorry to hear, hopefully everything turns out ok.




I'm sorry Storm. Praying for Moo tonight.

Ida Vinga

Oh no, that sucks. I'm so sorry to hear. Sending you and Moo lots of love.


:( I've been through this twice. Both were 17. I still have bad days thinking of them. I'm so sorry.

Matthew Richson

I wouldn’t quite understand the feeling since I’m not a cat person(they make me itch and sneeze), but I have a dog who’s really up there in age and of course my family fears how much longer he can last.... Well, hope your can’t pull’s through, and if he doesn’t, I hope he’s at least comfortable. In the end that’s what matters, that they go peacefully. Wish you the best.


Thank you all for sharing your stories! You all truly warm my heart and have helped me a lot in so many ways! Emotionally, this is great and I really appreciate all your feedback and kind words. My heart goes out to you who have lost furbabies before. They are wonderful companions! Moo is still pushing through, but we will know Monday when her blood tests, etc come back on Monday what our next step will be. My Vet started preparing me last year that she will start to show certain signs at the end due to old age and hyperthyroidism. Love you all and thanks for the love!! xoxo

Caitlyn Skiff

I am so sorry to here that. My family childhood cat and dog both lived till around 18. The hard part for me was they were both put down my first year of college (The cat Callie passed my first semester and the dog Candy passed my second semester). It sucked that I wasn't there for them till the last day. But we did get 3 more fur babies to love and cherish, but they could never replace Candy and Callie.


I hope he’s all right, Dawn! When I was eight years old, my Dad got me two kittens who were brothers, one passed away a few years later (which is a whole different painful story), but the other, Tiger, a gorgeous yellow tabby with blue eyes, lived 14 years. He passed away from cancer and I was devastated. I had literally grown up with Tiger, from the age of eight to twenty one. I got a new kitten a bit later. Her name is Bella, she’s 10 years old now, and I always credit her as the one who healed my heart after Tiger’s passing. 💛


I also have a five year old male cat named Jasper, and a little over a month ago I got a purebred golden retriever puppy named Tigger. He’s almost four months old now, and is so unbelievably gentle with his kitty siblings.

Ben Tadd Colburn

Can you guys please watch the new Star Wars trailer put on Star Wars A New Hope and The Dark Knight on Viemo

Dave Hampton

I just signed up for your patreon after seeing your video that came out today (Agents of Shield) so I am a little late with this message. Today IS Monday and I hope the news was good. I have had many kitties in my life and it is always hard when they get older. I am sending good vibes out to you and Moo.