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Hi all and thanks for your patience with this! We really enjoyed this! My favorite DC movie so far! Expect Breaking Bad after this!

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Can't wait to check it out!


I just wish Ares wasn't such a cheesecake. Fun reaction, good movie, amazing theme song. That theme is not played on guitar, but on electric cello by another wonder woman: Tina Guo. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tI2ASp0f7GU


I was expecting Suicide Squad but this is 10 times better!

Daniel R

You don't ever need to watch Suicide Squad lol extended or not it's not worth your time. You can jump into Justice League but I will go on record by saying I was super disappointed by the movie but understand why some may like it (it's more Marvel like and less dark but the change of tone does hurt the movie since it's obvious they tried painting over the dark brooding story with a children's movie). Not sure if you heard of the "Release the Snyder Cut" movement from fans who basically want Zack Snyder to release his version of Justice League which was supposed to be 2 parts but it never happened. Instead, Justice League happened and it's a mess. It has its moments but it's not a satisfying conclusion after all the build up that happened in Man of Steel, Batman v Superman, Wonder Woman, etc. Just my two cents. I'd rather you just jump into Aquaman next honestly but I feel like you have to watch Justice League first so idk lol


So glad you got to watch this. I LOVE this movie. I love how old-fashioned it feels. It reminds me more of the original SUPERMAN movies with Christopher Reeve, than it does present-day comic book movies. Rather than stuffing the frame with as much spectacle and as many superheroes as possible, which seems to be the popular trend, Wonder Woman is content to just have one superhero. As such, we get treated to a story where we see how this singular, out-of-the-ordinary person affects the people around her. And how they, in turn, affect her. For me, the most poignant part of the movie was after she kills Ludendorff, and how disillusioned she is that his death didn't magically stop the war. (I love it so much, I kind of wish they’d been able to write an ending in which Ares never appeared after that.) I DO think the movie was trying to convey the message of Steve’s words to Diana during that scene -- that mankind is fallible, and creates war without needing intervention from a supernatural influence. I think what confused the message was the very end after the Ares fight, when soldiers on both sides suddenly seemed to hold a truce. My belief is the movie was simply trying to convey extreme relief – everyone there was convinced they were going to die, but then when they were miraculously spared, they cast aside their differences. However, what some took away from that scene was confirmation that Ares was indeed responsible for the wars men create. I still love the movie, despite its imperfections.


There is so much wrong with Suicide Squad. Whatever little good they did while shooting the film was totally wasted by the absolutely atrocious editing (i recommend Folding Ideas youtube video about this). BvS is at least bad in an interesting way. SS is just... incompetent.

Daniel R

Yes I love that video! I also follow RedLetterMedia who obviously are more of the comedic side of reviewing movies but they bring up a lot of valid points and their banter is great.

Tony Tenser

THANK YOU for finally watching what I consider to be the greatest superhero movie of all time next to Christopher Reeve's Superman. So full of emotion, power and heart. What more superhero movies so need to be. The DCEU really needs to go back to making movies THIS good. Gal Gadot has become the definitive Wonder Woman in my eyes. The No Man's Land scene is one of the greatest movie scenes of all time and it's still criminal I feel that this movie was ignored by the Oscars in my opinion. On your comments about Suicide Squad, please don't let negative comments on it discourage you from watching it. I advise you do try and watch it before Justice League. You will get lots of negative comment on that movie too I'm sure but I for one feel both movies are underrated and that you should have watched the DCEU movies in sequence as you did that with the Marvel ones. Just my two cents. As much as I appreciate the reasons you and other reactors have polls, sometimes the results can also make you miss a good quality film and I never go by a perceived opinion on any movie- put it this way if i listened to a lot of comments online I would have missed some excellent movies. I often seem to be a champion of a lot of underrated movies out there but I've never been one to go with mass opinion on anything.


"the greatest superhero movie" I sure hope you mean the greatest superhero movie from DC because if not then lmao XD

Tony Tenser

No i actually meant greatest superhero movie ever next to Christopher Reeve's Superman. Don't actually see what's so funny about that. I think WW is a masterpiece.