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This movie is so beautifully and tragically done... the Fair Use version is going to be insanely tough! LOL.

You can find this video in our Google Drive. Our LINKS are located right on this same page. Look for "LINK- MOVIE Reactions" or "LINK- ALL FULL Reactions" (depending on what tier you donated too). These LINKS can appear sometimes at the top of our POSTS page or the bottom, depending on when they were updated. Please feel free to message me directly if you have any issues :)

Here is a temp LINK as well: https://youtu.be/pDbfBKTH9ss

Thanks so much for your support! You keep us creating and we can't thank you enough! Please enjoy! xoxo



Jasmin Holmes

Ive memorized this movie!!!


I’m so glad you guys decided to do TITANIC. It gave me a reason to watch it all the way though, which I don't think I've done since its original release. I'd forgotten how good it is. (The part that always stuck with me the most was when Rose was chest-deep in the water, searching for a way to free Jack. The surround sound in the theater was awesome. All you could hear was the ambient noises of the creaks and groans of the ship as the lights flickered on and off.) Rewatching this, it really is striking how good Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio were together. You *want* them to be together. If that chemistry hadn’t been there, then all of that spectacle at the end would’ve been for naught. I agree with Dawn’s interpretation of the final scene. The screenplay clearly foreshadowed it when Jack was hanging onto the door and he told Rose that she was going to live a long life and die warm in her bed. I love how emotionally invested you all were.

Lee Salvemini

Welp that was just as good a reaction as I was expecting. This movie gets me *every* time. It truly is a masterpiece. James Cameron is the humble best.

Marvel Boy


Sohail Jafar

Amazing reaction. Your mother was still emotional after it ended.

Daniel R

I felt so bad for your mom the first time I saw her cry during the movie where Rose decides to leave the lifeboat to go back for Jack. I wanted to give her a whole box of tissues :( but really good movie, grand and epic in every regard. I know it can be "played out" these days since it is kind of a corny love story but it works because it feels and presents itself like a fairytale through the eyes of an old woman who met someone that really changed her life. Of course you'll only want to remember the good times because it was her telling the story. Good stuff all around, and by the time you get to the second half its a crazy thrill ride about survival. Really good and really sad. Loved rewatching it with you guys.

King Henry Beauclerc

Keep in mind that this movie was made in 1997 and alot more research and discoveries have been made in the 22 years since. Also, keep in mind that the characters in this movie are just that characters. Murtaugh and Ismay are two that get thrown under the bus in this movie but the reality is different. Also, the myth that Titanic was trying to break the speed record, is false. Olympic (Titanic's sister ship) had already done that and Titanic was heavier than she was. They weren't going to break the record even if they were trying to. Unfortunately the Titanic was the victim of an unfortunate accident.

King Henry Beauclerc

Also, the myth that Titanic was claimed to be literally "unsinkable" became popular after the sinking. The promotional material both for her and the Olympic were that they were designed to be "practically unsinkable." Captain Smith even said that he could not fathom a scenario that would cause Titanic to sink. They never said that she couldn't sink, but that it was unlikely to.

King Henry Beauclerc

Finally the Titanic has a huge number of stories about heroism and tragedy. I think that is why the sinking is so popular. It took 2 hours and 40 minutes for the ship to sink and that is a long time. One of my favorite stories and tragic, is when a woman asked a crewmember for help with something, and he noticed that she didn't have a lifejacket. He immediately took his own off and put it on her, and said "If you make it, pray for me." Then he turned and walked away and she never saw him again. Stories like that are incredible.


Can someone help a dumb person. I did buy 10 tier, but when i watch titanic from a drive link, I dont see video just blur there in the corner. // edit, there will not be any video, I need to have my own titanic video to watch it in sync? :/


great! watch about time too. its a great movie


Sara, hi. They can't legally include the full movie in their reactions. So yes, in order to fully "watch along" you need to have your own copy of the movie. {In the "fair use" versions they upload to Youtube, they're able to include *some* footage, but they can only include a maximum of 10 minutes. Even then, sometimes those videos are taken down by Youtube.} I know it takes some planning, but if money is an issue, I often find the local library has the movies available on DVD for free lending.


I donated 15 dollars yesterday for all reactions and I saw that y'all reacted to the movie it (2017) and I'm a huge Stephen king fan so I tried to watch it but I didn't get I link and I'm still donating 10 dollars so I would like it if you sent me another link


River, hi. I'm not Storm Akima, but I think the "It" reaction is among the links in the Sep 20 "Link - Movie Full Reactions" post. It's the first Google Drive link. It's in the folder titled "Scary Movies."


Thank you so much I will try it


It worked thank you I'm kinda not that good at patreon yet but thanks again


Awesome. Glad I could help! I'm new to Patreon too. Happy viewing.

Mitchell Bowker

This was another great reaction! Brilliant film. Also, just noticed the JOHN WICK tab in your reactions folder. BRB gonna watch :D


If there is any film that has a similar grandness to it (that you may not have seen). A Film that is really great to this scale is the 2001 film by Steven Spielberg "A.I. Artificial Intelligence". I believe It is the last film by Stanley Kubrick himself had been working on but never finished prior to his passing and was directed by Steven as a tribute to his friend (as they had both worked on the film together, working to bring it to life, for over a half of a decade). I feel as though many people overlook this film although it is considered to be one of his best films made during the 21st century. But there seem to be very few people who I know who have seen it let alone whom have heard of it. 'A Forgotten Gem' if you will. I would love to see you view and enjoy this movie. If you are interested in other great 'Leonardo DiCaprio Films' I would suggest taking a look at "This Boys' Life", "Man in The Iron Mask", "The Basketball Diaries", "The Beach", & "The Aviator". (I would add Romeo + Juliet, although I believe that is something many people have seen, and I want to suggest great films that may be new to the three of you all). & Lastly, a final suggestion; "Whats' Eating Gilbert Grape" a film based on a book by the same name which is a beautiful film I am sure you three would all love. (I won't say much more as I do not want to spoil anything for you regarding it) I really enjoyed watching this film with the three of You... (& I suppose everyone else here within the comments as well) I hope you are all doing well : )


I really hope y'all get to watch Saving Private Ryan one day.

Donald Newton

Where can I find your Google Drive?

Govand Okeh

Hi, I wanted to watch your reaction to Titanic but when I click on the photo, it won't lead to a video - it's just a photo. I'm new to Patreon so I don't know what to do

Michaela Talley

I don't know if you figured it out already but you have to click "continue reading" by the text and that will reveal the rest of the post with the temporary link!


Ready for round two of watching this reaction! 😂 🤓