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Hi everyone and welcome back! It's finally that time again! There will be 2 Movie POLLS soon for our 2 groups.. this one is for Mom, Kim and I!

We will be watching War of the Planet of the Apes this week!

Also, if your request didn't make it in this time, it will sometime soon! I rotate certain requests every POLL. Also, we will randomly choose a movie now and again to keep this interesting! 

I also read all the comments and really listen as best I can! Sorry I don't always have time to respond, but I appreciate your thoughts and opinions!

Happy Voting! :)



Please consider watching Anastasia! :)


T O Y S T O R Y 2 😳


This is a great list of movie 👌🏼

Sean Boyle

Who Framed Roger Rabbit? :3


Star Trek 2


The low amount of votes for Pacific Rim disappoints me.

Y.T. Cheng

May I recommend Top Gun? The Top Gun: Maverick trailer recently released and its a sequel to that movie. You get to see a really young Tom Cruise in that film


Seriously cant wait for Halloween '78 and '18 to pop up in the polls!


Yes watch Maze Runner its so exciting!!!


I'm a sadist, so Titanic. It's a great movie, but emotionally devastating.

Jasmin Holmes

close the poll titanic is in for the win!

Adam Vialpando

Scott Pilgrim is steadily getting more votes. Hopefully in 2 or 3 more polls it will be on top. I'm patient. I can wait.




Titanic obviously! They'll love it.

Daniel R

Toy Story 2!!!


I've been voting for Narnia for sooooo long :(


For the next movie poll I'd like to nominate two awesome Hugh Jackman films as options - The Fountain and Les Miserable.


Titanic is always so close! Hahaha someday


I just gotta say, "this is a great list!!" So many good ones.


Wait, this is my first poll. Is it possible to vote more than once? Because I just inadvertently checked off two separate boxes.


Titanic and Back to future are currently tied Lets go Titanic!!

Adam Vialpando

Titanic is overrated. Back to the Future is a classic.


Still no Spiderman 3 huh?


Add Stargate(1994), please! A great movie(Directed by the same guy who directed Independence Day) with 10 plus years of spin off series' and movies.


Would you be able to add Incredibles 2 to your next poll? :)


I loved your reaction to Braveheart thats why I chose Gladiator :) all the movies on the list are great by the way.


I live to watch you watching Gladiator, Back to the Future, or Titanic one day


Back to the Future 😍🙏


can i offer sherlock holmes series (bbc)


Scott Pilgrim is never going to win a popularity contest. :( Which is a real shame because it is SUCH a fun/excellent movie. Would you be open to a bribe...? Just kidding. (not really)

Phillip D Piris

I think Suicide Squad should be dropped and Wonder Woman should take it's place. Suicide Squad isn't really relevant to the DCEU at the moment


When/if you get around to Narnia: Be sure to watch the extended edition. It's not as *drastically* different as some extended movies are, but it IS better than the shorter theatrical cut.


Dang it, looks like Back to the future is winning. Oh well, I guess l have more waiting to do for Titanic.


Also, some random suggestions, just throwing it out there. Shawshank, Green Mile, Forrest Gump, The Last Samurai, Hachiko, Hacksaw Ridge... All great movies that warrant great reactions.


Scott Pilgrim is amazing, But it'll never win :(


Define "at the moment"? The Suicide Squad sequel drops in 2021 with at least 4 actors reprising their roles (Robbie, Davis, Courtney, Kinnaman). Will Smith was replaced, but not the character (Deadshot). SS is more relevant than Man of Steel, BvS and Justice League to the current DCEU. Aquaman ignored a lot of JL's continuity. Affleck is definitely out. Cavill? Who knows. The Flash solo film was originally slated for March 2018. Now? The Cyborg movie original release date was April 2020. it is no longer on the WB's 2020 calendar. The stronger argument can be made to skip JL. But, SS is definitely part of DCEU's present and future. I can understand wanting to skip it for quality reasons. But, in terms of relevance and continuity to the overall DCEU, it can't exactly be ignored.

Mitchell Bowker

Top 3 votes - Back to the Future, Titanic, and Edge of Tomorrow! All 3 are awesome and hopefully we see a reaction for all of them soon.


Please watch The Prestige, or KungFu Hustle, or Kill Bill movies.


Try Armageddon and Mission impossible


I know you're big on animation. You guys should consider doing a reaction to the 1986 animated classic, Transformers the Movie!(My personal favorite animated movie ever!)

Adam Vialpando

That's why I think they should do a secondary poll for the less popular movies. If something big like a superhero movie or franchises like LoTR and Fantastic Beasts is on the poll they're almost guaranteed to win. We need to give the little guys a chance. The Crow is another great movie I'd like to add that probably wouldn't win.

Luis Garcia

They really should. If they watch it before the third one comes around, they will be able to react to the trailers as they come out.


Indiana Jones / Narnia / Venom = my top 3!