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Hi all! Again, we are truly honored to have fans like you that care so much to help us out

I've helped so many with refunds every month, but sadly, I'm starting to see a pattern of similar stories why Patrons want refunds and due to many red flags, we are not doing refunds anymore. This is a donation site after all. Blindwave, The Normies and many others I noticed don't do refunds either and now I know why.

If I already committed to a refund with you, I will absolutely honor that. I'm not trying to single anyone out and apologize to those who are truthful and I only wish you the best!

Ironically, right after certain LINKS are available and obtained, I will be contacted saying they donated by mistake or a family member has (sibling, nephew, niece, cousin, etc)... or they saw what they wanted and can't afford $5 this month. I totally understand things get hard and that's why I always refunded in the past. Already this month, we are getting hit hard by Patrons asking for refunds right after our LINK for ENDGAME was available... the amount of refunds doesn't show up on our 'Donation' amount on our front page. It's taken out afterwards.

Anywho, I am a positive person and we all love what we do and LOVE all of you for being here! I hope you all keep enjoying our content as we work hard to produce (and have fun!). We never want to offend anyone, but truly appreciate you all understanding our cause here.

Thanks for reading and being caring fans of ours! xoxo


Sohail Jafar

That's terrible. But I'm glad you're taking a stand!

Paul Martin

You guys do a great job. Keep it up.


I love yalls content! Sucks this is happening but I totally support yall.


Wow that's crazy


I think that's a good policy, a safe one, a wise choice financially and should probably be in neon lights somewhere for all to see. "Give a mouse a cookie.... and he's gonna wanna a glass a milk." :) (somebody tell me what movie that quote came from and who said it)

King Henry Beauclerc

I am glad you are taking steps to take care of yourselves. It sucks people can be like that. Well you just do whatever you have to do to limit those types of things. Said it many times and will continue to do so but I love your reactions. Keep it up!


Damn that sucks, as someone who has been a patreon for over a year already since the very start i'm sorry that people can be scummy with their money, if they can't afford it then they shouldn't become a patreon, period. I guess people really are that desperate to see the full "end game" reaction lol

Koala Banana

Scummy fuckers... pay your fair due like everyone else or stick to the fair use versions.


As you said, this is a donation site! This is a good move, only want to see the channel grow and grow!

Melanie LeBlanc

I feel like I hardly have time to watch most videos, but I keep to my pledge and want to support you all because when I do watch, you make me laugh and smile. Keep up the awesome work. Love you guys!


I didn't even know you could refund lol


I respect that. wouldn't ever occur to me to get refund but totally understand where you're coming from. love the content you've put out, I don't see myself going anywhere for a long time. 🧙🏻‍♀️909🖤


Hey can I get a refund? My dogs cousin accidentally hacked my account. Honestly Dawn I don't blame you at all people are just trying to take advantage of your good nature. It's already a ridiculously good deal for $5 with the amount of backlog you get access to now.


I agree with the "no refund" policy because there truly are a lot of bad people out there looking to scam the system to get themselves "free" stuff. People like that is the reason we can't have nice things. Anyway, good for you Dawn. You put in the hard work to put content out so I think this is the right move.

Justin H'oman

It's always good to put the line in the sand for that and set a ground rule :) I'm very happy with the prices, it's such a gift to watch. I looove seeing Mom & Kim watching these movies and shows they normally might overlook. It's such a fun way to spend time together also. You gals have such amazing personalities. Inspired me to sit my Mom down and make her watch all of Stranger Things with me. Took the 1st series for her to get hooked, but now shes glad.


I was definitely one of those that wanted to support but was having a hard time money wise. That was back in May or late April, but now I am back cuz I truly want to continue supporting this channel. Cannot wait for more amazing content from here!


People are seriously trying to scam you out of FIVE DOLLARS??? Wow. Classy.

Steven Dorsey

Tbh, I'll be unable to continue my subscription for a while, after this month of October. I'm between jobs after moving out of my apartment and back into my house for now. I've been someone who intermittently subscribes when they have money, and breaks off when I need to save, but I've never requested something like a refund. That's really dodgy.