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Hi everyone! Finally watching some DC Universe! I kind of talk about this being our first one instead of really including The Dark Knight trilogy since I believe that is a separate 'universe' from Man of Steel, right? I could tell Mom enjoyed a movie about Superman and Lois Lane, LOL!

You can find this video in our Google Drive. Our LINKS are located right on this same page. Look for "LINK- MOVIE Reactions" or "LINK- ALL FULL Reactions" (depending on what tier you donated too). These LINKS can appear sometimes at the top of our POSTS page or the bottom, depending on when they were updated. Please feel free to message me directly if you have any issues :)

Here is a temp LINK as well: https://youtu.be/YQU1ijO9FPQ

Thanks so much for your support! You keep us creating and we can't thank you enough! Please enjoy! xoxo


Daniel R

Yes I can't wait to rewatch with you guys! It's my favorite incarnation of the character!

Daniel R

Wow I'm so happy you guys liked the movie and were able to understand how things worked despite it being kinda convoluted at the beginning but rich in scenery and detail. I'm really glad you guys enjoyed the movie which makes me even more excited for you guys to watch the next one where they do address the mass destruction, and it poses tons of question following that alien attack. Because that's what it was, so how do humans of Earth respond to an alien attack? Enter Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. When you guys do watch this please be sure it's the Ultimate Edition/Cut whatever it's called. I know it's 3 hours long but the story is played out the way it was supposed to as opposed to its theatrical release which had 30 mins cut. They were 30 crucial minutes that changes the tone and presentation of the story and its super important to the main plot of "are the people of Earth ready for a Superman?" introduced in Man of Steel.

Guilherme Zanettini

To this day its still baffles me how there are people out there who think this movie is bad.... "NoT MuH SuPeRmAN" lol Great reaction guys.... Can't wait for you guys to watch the rest of the DCEU : )


1) Great Reaction! 2) Jonathon Kent's fate has different renditions in comics, but one of the more well known is Christopher Reeve's Superman (1978) where actor Glenn Ford played Pa Kent suffers a heart attack and dies. The concept of course, is that it serves as a reminder to Kal-El that despite his abilities, this is one thing beyond his control. 3) This is good film - and a controversial one among fans as noted above - but overall good acting, great action and semi-solid plot with an equally notable message about the balance of Power vs. Truth. 4) My only controversial critique: Daily Planet Intern "Jenny" should have totally gone to the basketball game with reporter "Lombard" at the end. Come on, Jenny - he and Perry saved your life! LOL


As someone who really doesn't give a shit about Superman I didn't like this movie. I found it boring and dull, but it's probably one of the better DC films, which says something.


Should be highlighted that this film was not done by Chris Nolan. He collaborated on the story and was listed as a producer in name only. Zack Snyder is the man who directed this film.


"They were 30 crucial minutes that changes the tone and presentation" That is misleading. The tone and presentation are not changed by the additional scenes.

Mitchell Bowker

Great reaction! Glad you enjoy this one, the action in this is so crazy, I love it! If you are putting Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice on the next polls I suggest the Ultimate Cut because the story makes more sense, the theatrical cut edit makes a lot of shortcuts and story is a bit muddled.

Daniel R

With how much they enjoyed this movie I can only imagine some of their reactions to the "big moments" in BvS, gives me goosebumps just thinking about it.

Frankie H

Minor point here, Jimmy Olsen wasn't in the movie, the bald reporter was named Lombard. Lombard is in the comics as a loudmouth coworker who has a good heart deep down. However, the intern was named "Jenny Olsen." Also some Easter Eggs hidden in the film, Zod throws a gas tanker at superman with the LexCorp logo, Lex Luthor's company. Zod throws a satellite at Superman with a Wayne Enterprises logo, Bruce Wayne's company.


finally! ❤️


Great reaction! Wasn't sure if were gonna like the movie, but I'm really glad you did. As others have pointed out, if you intend to watch Batman v Superman, you absolutely must watch the Ultimate Edition. The theatrical version is completely butchered, I wouldn't recommend it at all.


Hans Zimmer. Period.

Armchair Wizard

Dawn, as you have noticed, the music score is incredible in this film. It was done by none other than Hans Zimmer. He's the OTHER great film composer (along with John Williams of course). Zimmer did the scores for several great films including Gladiator, the Dark Knight Trilogy, and Batman versus Superman.

Tony Tenser

Glad you enjoyed your first dip into the newer DCEU movies- I think Man of Steel is an outstanding movie and Henry Cavill such a worthy successor in the role of Superman to the legendary Christopher Reeve. I love the texture and style of the DCEU movies and can't wait for your eventual reactions to Batman Vs Superman (definitely watch the Ultimate Edition as people suggest), Suicide Squad (definitely watch the Extended Cut), Wonder Woman and Justice League. Wonder Woman is amazing and that's the one I'm most stoked to see you react to :-)

Daniel R

It makes me incredibly happy to see the DCEU supported so heavily on Youtube. Even though the MoS reaction was taken down it was put back up and it already has 41K views! Far surpassing the views for Planet of the Apes, Independence Day, will probably beat Inception by tomorrow, etc. MoS and the DCEU is very creative and has a really strong fanbase as evident through the numbers. I guarantee you that BvS: UE will bring more supporters to your channel and you will keep growing!