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Hi everyone and welcome back! Again, thanks for your patience since I've been sick! I'm finally on the mend! :D Hope you all are enjoying your weekend!

You can find this video in our Google Drive. Our LINKS are located right on this same page. Look for "LINK- MOVIE Reactions" or "LINK- ALL FULL Reactions" (depending on what tier you donated too). These LINKS can appear sometimes at the top of our POSTS page or the bottom, depending on when they were updated. Please feel free to message me directly if you have any issues :)

Here is a temp LINK as well: https://youtu.be/SYiXxYzNNR4

Thanks so much for your support! You keep us creating and we can't thank you enough! Please enjoy! xoxo



Was this recorded outside? Sounds like a bird sanctuary lol


Thanks for uploading (hope you get better soon)!


Thanks for sharing. It’s a fun, heartening movie. Easily in my top 5 mcu movies.


Haters gonna hate, but i love this film more every time i watch it.


Haters don't hate the movie, but the actress herself for her behavior. Huge difference .-.


This was a lot of fun to watch! First time watching the movie since seeing it in theaters. Can’t wait for your reactions to Endgame!


Was there ever a FULL Iron Man 1 reaction? I want to do the MCU from the beginning, but I'm not seeing all of the titles. Am I missing something or did some films not get a reaction video?

Armchair Wizard

Some of their earliest MCU videos are only on their youtube channel. That said, some of them weren't full reactions. I don't remember if they did a full one for Iron Man. They started their patreon and scaled up operations far into their youtube channel's lifespan.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I really liked Captain Marvel, so much more than I though I would. I expected this movie to be good like all the rest of the movies in the Avengers Universe, but it was even better than I thought it would be. I like the actress who plays Captain Marvel... Brie Larson, and I love Nick Fury, Coulson, Talos played by Ben Mendelson, Maria played by Lashana Lynch, and Yon-Rogg played by Jude Law. All great actors and I really enjoyed the storyline in this movie. Thank you so much again, for another fun movie reaction!! Until next time...


Do you delete comments? I may have commented on my dislike of the main actress in this film, but despite that, I still think the movie itself was not very stimulating, or had any stakes whatsoever in the end, in lieu of a poor faux "girl power" attempt (my girlfriend thought the same without mentioning it at first, but on our way from the movies).

Josh Lomax

Any movie with Vaptain Marvel in it isnt going to have "real" stakes. She's too powerful, same with Scarlet Witch, Vision and Deadpool. None of their villains ever really stand a chance.

Josh Lomax

I know this is old but I wanted to do a quick FYI. Carols blood IS blue. In the movie its because Yon-Rogg gave her a transfusion of his blood after taking her, mainly so she would never find out that she wasn't Kree.