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Hello everyone and welcome back! We plan on watching Logan this weekend! OMG!

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Here is a temp LINK as well: https://youtu.be/BLk5jNqpNFc

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I get that they paid for Jennifer Lawrence so they want to get their monies worth but their insistence on making Mystique a main character still strikes me as weird all these years later. I'm just glad the MCU is finally going to be able to do their take on the X-men in a few years.


Love the Quicksilver scene.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I absolutely love this movie! Charles Xavier is absolutely hands down my favorite character in these younger generation movies. James McAvoy is phenomenal. His acting... phenomenal, and the emotions he shows are beautiful. I love how compassionate he is, for both mutants and humans. And my favorite moment from the movie is when Xavier breaks from Apocalypse's message to the world and pleads with those stronger and more powerful to defend those weaker. These movies are so well done and while I do enjoy the original three X-Men movies, the younger generation movies are so much better and I really love how the events from Days of Future Past and Apocalypse change the X-Mens' timeline so that the events from the originals didn't play out like they did. Thank you so much for this reaction! I really enjoyed watching these X-Men movies with you. I don't care much for the movie Logan because it just feels too different than the rest, but I really can't wait for X-Men Dark Phoenix!!!!


Ha you guys didn't realise apocalypse is played by Oscar Isaac who also plays Poe from Star Wars


"Did you really think I wanted that rug?" I'm stealing that line. That is awesome!