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This is for Mom, Kim and myself! What are we watching next?! LOL! I have an idea of course! Once Kim is confident enough to edit on her own, we will start watching a bit more that time allows! Yay! 

We are going to watch X-Men Apocalypse this weekend! Can't wait!

Also, if your request didn't make it in this time, it should very soon! I rotate the top 20 since we get hundreds of requests all the time. Thanks all and happy voting! Ends May 8th! :D

Oh, if a show wins... we'll watch two episodes each time it wins!



Logan would be a interesting reaction considering how deadpool went


Logan! Wooo we finally got there


I like you guys ... but they are watching only movies for teenagers ... you need to see real things and for adults like breaking bad


I’m surprised that hardly anyone’s voting for Tim Burton’s Batman.


Ugh Logan is gonna take Man of Steel.

Ida Vinga

Can you have a poll without all the superhero stuff? :( They ALWAYS win and I hate them all lol


It would be amazing to see you do Inception (or La La Land!).


Hahahaha, good one. "Real things" as if a high school science teacher becoming a badass drug lord isn't fantasy.


If I may be so bold: LOST is what you guys should watch next. It's a perfect tv show to watch with your family, I remember watching it with my mom and brother back when it aired, and let me tell you, there was nothing like it on television. Our jaws where stuck to the floor at the end of every damn episode. LOST opened many doors to later shows and has influenced a lot of stuff. I mean, the setting is really brilliant; random people of all walks of life, from all over the world, stranded on an, apparently, uninhabited island. And not just any island either, crazy stuff happens, to put it mildly. There are mixed feelings among people about the last seasons, and particularly the finale. But I promise it's totally worth it. For the love of god, vote for LOST people!

Steven Dorsey

As someone who likes the Superhero movies, I am starting to experience some fatigue rn too. Like, I wanna see their reaction to Deadpool 2 now, which would only happen after Logan, but I'm a little over the MCU rn. And I've been voting for Narnia for several iterations now, which was fine because I liked hte superhero movies. But seeing them experience Narnia, or Inception, or etc is something I know they'd love. Those things are pretty much right up their alley imo. But seriously, we all need to band together in this. If we vote them in on some anime series, it's all over. Moving the demographic into the Anime series would be the literal apocalypse, for any chance of ever watching anything else. XD


Logan all the way, It's what I've been waiting for.


I didn't watch the Deadpool reactions, what were they like?


Where is Fantastic Beasts 2 ????


Where's the expanse?


You will NOT regret making Breaking Bad your next show! Best show ever (even better than GOT).

Armchair Wizard

I long for the day that they watch Breaking Bad.


Breaking bad is perfection when it comes to drama and may not win for this poll, or the next, maybe the next, but one day it will. Fingers crossed!

King Henry Beauclerc

What happened to the Planet of the Apes Trilogy and The Greatest Showman??

Adam Vialpando

You guys should definitely watch Unbreakable when you get the chance. It is my favorite Shyamalan film.


Fantastic Beasts 2!!!


Jurassic World pls :(


Hi-5 to all my "Inception" voters. These are tough choices.


Yay! LOST is back to vote for.


Logan 😭


X-Men Apocalypse sucked... Logan was great though.

Sohail Jafar

Can’t wait for youse to watch Toy Story Trilogy!


Well, My Hero Academia would be your first anime, right? I don't know if you could like anime. Would be cool if you tried though.


I know it’s an older movie but I think you’d like What Dreams May Come with Robin Williams, and Annabella Sciorra. One of my all time favorites

david norman

If you like "Lost" you will love "Manifest" which premiered on NBC this fall. Watch the first episode to see if you are hooked.

Phillip D Piris

Man of Steel is always so close! One day! I'm glad to see My Hero Academia on the list. It was one of those anime shows that took me by surprise and had a lot of heart along with some great inspirational characters.

david norman

There two sci-fi/mystery series you might like (1) Charlie Jade (made in South Africa, on Amazon prime. (2) This is Not My Life Made (in New Zealand on Youtube) both are different than the normal tv series. Also YouTube has an original series called " IMPULSE" which made by the creator of the Jumper movie!


Could you please consider moving superhero movies into their own movie poll? :) I love them, but they always seem to win these polls and it would be nice to watch other kind of movies more often!