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Hi everyone and welcome back! Here we go! Finally, The Last Jedi! I love Leia and Luke in this :)

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Koala Banana

Such a great film! I could defend it all day long. The Hyperspace attack really bothers me as creating a plot hole in the previous films. But I love Luke and his evolution into a Yoda-like instrument of the Force's will.


The best SW movie since The Empire Strikes Back.


Oh I absolutly love this movie


Yeeees you make me happy

Khan Battle

Great reaction as always! Looking forward to Solo!


YES I needed this today thanks so much

Brock Saunders

I don't see it as creating a plot hole in previous films at all because nobody had ever thought about doing that. Plot holes have more to do with inconsistencies, not an suicide bomber attack that we have seen for the first time.


Star Wars episode 9 comes out December! :) I believe we will find out the title of that movie this month/next month and first trailer by April at Star Wars Celebration (hopefully sooner tho!) I'm most excited to see how Kylo and Rey's relationship develops and ends.


I became a patreon for first time to watch this!

Paul Pinto

While I think the revelation about Rey's lineage is an interesting debate among fans, I actually firmly stand by the writers decision on her being a nobody because, in short, that's what makes her special. It's one of the strongest messages you could say in fiction, in my opinion. You don't have to be related to someone great or well known to be a hero, to make the right decisions thoroughly by your own actions and choices. Look at Frodo Baggins in Lord Of The Rings. "Even the smallest person can change the course of the future". That's another example of this. For me, saying Rey is related to Luke is just way too easy. It'd have been a fun -gasp- moment, but that to me completely robs her of her conflict and the story of cinematic drama. It gives her destiny to her on a silver platter, I feel, to say "Oh, obviously this is what I am and who I should be. Got it." The whole point is that she has to decide who she is for herself throughout the narrative, always being challenged. This to me was beautifully represented in the mirror scene in the cave where she simply sees herself. I personally really hope they keep it this way with Episode 9 (Episode 7 also clearly references her denial about her parents where Maz tells her "You know as well as I... your parents are never coming back."), but I realize opinions are hot on the subject. Never before has a Star Wars movie caused such intense discussion, but that's just one more reason why I consider it to be the best one to date, at least alongside Empire Strikes Back.

Lee Salvemini

If I don't have anything nice to say about a movie, I won't say anything at all haha. I really like your reactions so I will be doing my best to watch even this one :)


Hear, hear. My greates fear for Ep IX is that JJ Abrams will go back to the TFA style of playing it safe. That was in a way needed for Ep VII, but TLJ feels fresh and new and that's exiting to me.


i still love every star wars movie .... i .... dunno why ... its just all so pleasant for me :)

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you for another great reaction for an amazing Star Wars movie! I really enjoyed this movie a lot too, despite what others say about it. I thought it was fun and the characters for the most part were great. I loved Leia and Luke too and I even became emotional throughout the movie seeing them, especially when they came together in the end. So beautiful and my favorite scene. I also loved the very beginning when Poe was taunting Admiral Hux by pretending he couldn't hear his threat through the intercom, then completely fight to blow up their ship's cannons. Amazing. As was the fight between Rey, Kylo Ren, and Snoke's Red Guards. And of course I love Chewie, R2D2, and C3P0. As for the newer characters... my favorites are Poe Dameron and BB8. But I also love Rey, Finn, Rose, and Kylo Ren too. I'm glad you enjoyed this movie. Thank you! Until next time...

Brandon Jensen - May the force be with you

good reaction. 1 i hate that rose saved finn, i love finn rey not finn rose, 2 i hate the way luke was mad/use in this movie. i mean this is not the luke we now. 3 did you se that the kid in the end use the force to pick up that stick. i hate kathleen kennedy. she only created rose and holdo so that she could have more females in star wars. i mean i have respekt for holdo but rose was so unnecessary. i mean she killed ackbar so that she could use holdo and killed han so that she could use rose. and she loves to destroy male characters. i mean just take luke and poe. she makes them luke like jerks and rose, holdo luke like heros

Paul Pinto

Nothing new: Hamill added, “I was no different with George [Lucas],“I read ‘Return of the Jedi’ and said, ‘Wait a minute, I thought it was going toward the struggle of moving toward the Dark Side. I was dressed in black, wearing a glove. I see the trend here!’ But you’re just an assistant to the chef. He has to cook it.” Someone who lives with a character is always going to have preconceived notions before the storyteller writes the path. People change. Luke changed. He became the Obi-Wan of the story, with a healthy dose of very realistic regret and anger toward a religion which time and time failed. Yoda ultimately agreed with this, but informed him the value of said failure. In the end, even your heroes are flawed. Maybe especially your heroes. That's what makes for compelling storytelling.

tyler barnaby

im glad you were able to find enjoyment in the worst star wars movie ever made


Why does this type of hate have to exist? It's just so terrible and unreasonable.