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Hi everyone and THANKS SO MUCH FOR YOUR PATIENCE! OMG! You all are amazing! I have quite a few reactions that now need editing and I will be doing so all day tmrw and for the rest of the week to catch up!

Poor Wookie76 had a scare over the weekend and was rushed to the ER Monday morning (yesterday) due to a severe back issue where he was almost paralyzed... we went into immediate surgery and we stayed at the hospital overnight and just got home a little while ago. Wow! Take care of your backs everyone! He never had any big issues before.. pulled his back out helping family building a roof, and ignored it and kept helping others after work- moving a friend into a house and helping me with getting our new reaction ready upstairs thinking it was nothing... until he strained his spine so much a disc burst out of place completely and compressed the spinal sac to the point of completely crushing it (just below the spinal cord) where he lost feeling below his waist and developed weakness so fast over the weekend. Shows even if you are healthy, don't ignore what your body is telling you! Good news is the surgery was a success, but he will be on a long road to recovery. So relieved he can walk and has some feeling back... so scary how fast that happened!

Just wanted to let you know! I did put a video up on our Instagram last night while I was in the hospital waiting for Wookie to get out of surgery. Even though we were at the ER first thing in the morning, they couldn't squeeze us in until the evening, so Ryan had to stay still all day in a special bed so he wouldn't move at all. Love you guys and I'm fully dedicated to editing videos for all of you over the next many days!

Expect our long awaited Game of Thrones, Avatar, Star Wars Episode 8 and more! Love you all so much and sorry for the wait the last couple days! We love doing this so much and do work hard for our channel every spare moment we have! You all make this possible! xoxo Thanks for listening to my rant! I'm so mentally exhausted tonight and Wookie is an amazing trooper!!! *Insert Wookie noise here!!!* XD


Sohail Jafar

Don’t apologise for anything! I hope for him a speedy recovery!


Best wishes y’all’s way. Take care


Best wishes y’all. Glad to hear he’s okay. Take your time and I hope it’s a speedy recovery.

Brandon Jensen - May the force be with you

Omg so sad. I hope he gets better. And may the force be with you/him. Take you time i can wait forever to see your reactions 👍👍👍🌺🌺🌹🌷🍃

Maurice Garcia

Best wishes. PLay him that Star Wars music DVD now that you have a captive audience!

Lee Salvemini

Sending all the thoughts and prayers to wookie! You've been doing so many reactions lately, more than enough to enjoy until you're ready for the next ones :)


Sorry to hear about Wookie76! Don't worry about us. We can wait until things have settled down a bit. Best wishes.


Best wishes to him, don't worry about getting videos out, if you need to be there for him... as others have said, we can and will wait!


May the force be with wookie76!

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I am so sorry. Truly. I hope he gets well very soon. I'm happy he's come out okay though. I wish Wookie76 all the best of luck in his recovery, as well as all of you too. Sincerely, Heidi

Armchair Wizard

Take your time, family emergencies take precedent. I hope he's alright!


I'm really sorry to hear that, Dawn. I saw your shortened post on yt, and I commented there, but I want to say again to please take care of yourself, and take all the time you need! Glad your brother is doing better and I wish you and your family all the best. I will still be here once you came back. I send lots of virtual hugs and positive vibes your way. Stay strong and amazing as always.


When can we see Star Wars: The Last Jedi? Which I think is the best one in the series but it is also the most controversial among fans. It is also my favourite