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Surprise! So we made time to watch this earlier than expected! What a movie! Wow! We also plan on watching X-Men later tmrw so expect that most likely on Tuesday (I'll be working on VIkings and cleaning out debris in our new reaction room upstairs Monday) :) Hope you all have a Happy New Year!

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Here is a temp LINK as well: https://youtu.be/anpMaM65wqw

Thanks so much for your support! You keep us creating and we can't thank you enough! Please enjoy! xoxo


King Henry Beauclerc

Oh good! I actually like this movie very much. I think it is probably the best of the Disney era Star Wars. I haven't commented much lately but am still around. Personally, I think Vikings isn't as good now, and I am waiting for a few episodes of GoT because I have a tendency to binge watch the show once I get started with it. lol


Disable the YouTube comment section for The Last Jedi Storm! Just a warning for what could come...


Thanks for uploading early!

Lee Salvemini

The Last Jedi can definitely be critiqued, the myth debates get crazy for this one! Part of me thinks, why not let people vent it all out haha. Maybe they will find there's some things worth thinking about from others :) Me personally, 100% enjoyed the midnight premiere here in Australia for The Last Jedi, but the story and some decisions left me a little down in terms of the lore. I am stuck in the middle understanding both opinions on the film. The core people who follow Storm are awesome, so it will be fine! For me, even if I wasn't a big fan of the movie, their reaction makes the watch enjoyable still. They come into a movie without any pre-plan and just go for the ride :) Means their like ratio should still be great :D

Lee Salvemini

I enjoyed this movie! It was just a nice romp with some fun mix of new lore and nostalgia. Some may mention pacing issues, and I grant that. But I still just feel nice when I watch this, so how can I complain about it :D Keen to watch along and see some things I missed.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I love this movie so much, and i really enjoyed your reaction to it despite how much more serious of a movie it is. I know that so many people don't really feel all that drawn into the characters from this movie because they are only in one, so we don't know much about them. However, I really felt for them and seeing them all die one by one in the end was heartbreaking for me. I even cried. I especially loved Cassian Andor, Jyn Erso, and K2-S0. I really like Galen Erso a lot too like Kim said. But I loved how it drew us into the next movie that takes place within the order, Episode IV: A New Hope, as we see Darth Vader, Governor Tarkin in CG form because the actor who played him in A New Hope died a long time ago, R2-D2, C3-P0, and Princess Leia also in CG to make her younger since she was young in A New Hope. Thankfully, Carrie Fisher was amazing able to get her scenes in Episode VIII: The Last Jedi filmed, just before she died. Oh... and we also get to see Leia's father, Senator Organa from Episode II: The Attack of the Clones and Episode III: The Revenge of the Sith, which was wonderful. I loved all the tie ins. What's even more special too, was that this movie came out in theaters just before Carrie Fisher died back on Christmas of 2016, and they were able to add a special tribute within the credits to honor her days after the release. I just love this movie, so thank you again for another fabulous reaction! Until next time...

Amanda Logsdon

Ah i think this might be my favorite star wars movie. Not to mention this is the first time i actually feared Darth Vader out of all 7 movies he has been in.


I am Groot.

Khan Battle

Awsome! Theres alot of little easter eggs too. In the second Star Wars Animated Series "Star Wars: Rebels", the main characters' ship in that show is in the space battle, along with one of their astromech droids, and theres a name drop for "General Syndulla". We also see cameos from Evazan and Ponda Baba (The two guys Obi Wan and Luke got into the cantina fight with), Mon Mothma (The Rebel Leader from Return of the Jedi), and Gold Leader and Red Leader, unused footage from the first film of them and their original voices, with Gold Leader's actor giving some new voice lines for this movie! Also on a side note, there are few who compare to John Williams when it comes to music, but Michael Giacchino did a FANTASTIC job with this film's score.

King Henry Beauclerc

Honestly that is the first time that we have seen Darth Vader (in the suit, not talking about ep. 3) be the terror that is alluded to in the original trilogy and seeing Darth Vader like that was awesome.


we all know the scene that we really want them to react to ;)

Brandon Jensen - May the force be with you

omg i loved thsi reaction. he who plays saw gerrera is also in black panther. Kim recognized him. i love the vader scene. the actor who plays tarkin is dead in reality.

David Martin

let the groot be with you


yall would laugh so hard at this short skit <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xV7Ha3VDbzE" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xV7Ha3VDbzE</a> stormtroopers 9/11

Khan Battle

It would be cool if they made The Clone Wars and Rebels their next shows. Each episode is only 25 minutes so they aren't super duper long, and I think since they quite aren't always as heavy and super serious as things like Game of Thrones, they might all enjoy them. Though there are some deep episodes and dark episodes in both shows.


Groot is awesome.


When are you folks doing Last Jedi? ^^


Peter Cushing, the actor who played Tarkin actually died back in 1994, so they didn't just make him look younger, they brought him back to life! Another thing of note is that both Death Star shots in the film were "single-reactor ignitions" which means they only used one of the Death Star's five reactors to power the shot. They were basically the weakest shot it could do!

Steven Dorsey

I hate "most" of the movies of the new series that have been made. That being said, Solo was a decent, fun little "romp" through Han Solo's early years. And Rogue One is a phenomenal film that feels very much like a Star Wars rendition of the poem, "Charge of the Light Brigade". It felt like a movie that wanted to honor everyone who died in the original stories to stop the Empire. I feel like this is the best Star Wars movie of the new ones that they have made, as of yet.