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Hi everyone! So most of you know that X-Men won our latest POLL! Whoo! Meaning, we'll watch one movie this time around until X-Men WINS again through the POLLS. I'm not extremely familiar with the X-Men movie series... so if you all can help and request where a good place to start is, please comment that here! Mom and Kim know absolutely nothing about X-Men, lol. Once we have some requests here, I will make another POLL soon so we can all VOTE on which X-Men movie to watch. We will then try to make time to watch it with in the next week or so. :)

This week has been crazy, so thanks for your patience! I had to pick up some more hours at work to make up for many vet visits for my kitty Moo. She is doing better now and hoping she stays that way! Thanks for all the love and thoughtful messages about her!

I've been also working on a project in the attic to make room upstairs for our new 'reaction room'. Hopefully that goes well! Busy busy!

Thanks for requesting! We also plan on watching Star Wars Episode 7 this weekend and possibly squeezing in a random reaction as well ;)


Amanda Logsdon

I think the original trilogy is a good place to start (i think its from the year 2000)


The best place to start would be with the original trilogy of films, starting with X-Men (which came out in 2000). It had sequels in 2003 and 2006. It was only after that it began branching out and getting a bit more complex. (All the best to Moo, btw!)


Hey, Dawn! I'd say the best order to go is X-Men 1, 2 and 3 out of the first ones. After that, I'd just say you should go by release date, although there are a bunch of spin-offs that are... let's just say less than stellar. But out of the main ones, they go X-Men, X-Men United, X-Men the Last Stand, X-Men First Class, X-Men Days of Future Past, X-Men Apocalypse - in terms of releases, and those are the absolute essentials. The timeline gets kinda muddy after the original trilogy, so in that regard the spin-offs for Wolverine don't exactly help, although Logan is a must-see - it's great!


Yes the orginal trilogy then follow up with Wolverine Origin!


Well I recommend you starting with the first x men movie from 2000. Another good starting point is x men: first class that is a prequel to the 2000 movie.


Def start with the original trilogy then just work your way through to X-Men: First Class, X-Men: Days of Future Past then X-Men: Apocalypse. But no matter what happens, please end with Logan :)

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Definitely begin with X-Men from back in 2000 that stars Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, James Marsden, Famke Janssen, Halle Berry, and Anna Paquin. And then watch the series in theatrical order just as you're doing for Star Wars... should X-Men 2 win the poll the next time around. My favorites are X-Men First Class, X-Men Days of Future Past, and X-Men Apocalypse, but they will make more sense if you watch the originals first to be able to understand the storylines in these. I hope this helps. :)

Cabbage Dynamite

Theatrical order is: 1. X-men 2. X2 3. X-men: The Last Stand 4. X-men Origins Wolverine 5. X-men First Class 6. The Wolverine 6 1/2. (I recommend watching deadpool at this point as it is funny and although it relates to some of the movies above, if you don’t want to watch it then that’s fine) 7. X-men Apocalypse 8. Logan 8 1/2. (Deadpool 2) 9. Dark Phoenix (2019)

Sohail Jafar

Thank you for only doing one x-men movie, doing the whole series would be wack and a waste of time imo. Can’t wait for Star Wars though!!!


Do you think you could just put superhero movies in their own poll? It feels like they’re just consistently overshadowing these other movies, and at this point, you can expect what ever comic book movie in that poll to win. It would be nice to give different kind of movies a shot.

Sohail Jafar

Oh and see for the polls, instead of only doing one movie per poll, why not do the Top 3 out of each poll because it’ll save you so much time? Just an idea :)

Jackie Green

you should start with X-men from the 2000s it is the first one and a good starting point.

Mitchell Bowker

Hello Dawn &amp; family 👋🙂 Wikipedia does have the films in theatrical release order which I would recommend is the best viewing order. <a href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/X-Men_(film_series)" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/X-Men_(film_series)</a>


X-Men X2 X-Men: The Last Stand X-Men Origins: Wolverine X-Men: First Class The Wolverine X-Men: Days of Future Past X-Men: Apocalypse Logan - this is the order of movie releases


In that order would probably be best, i was the person who originally requested it.

Todd “Canuck” Schmuck

I’m all for starting with the original trilogy(The first X-men was part of what helped start the age of superhero movies we’ve been in for the last 20 years. Blade in 1998, X-men in 2000, and Spider-man in 2002 that changed how audiences and studios saw comic books and comic book movies, with X-men showing that you could make a comic book movie that takes itself seriously with academy award caliber actors and directors), but do we really want to subject them to the horror that is “X-men origins : Wolverine”? The only parts I remember fondly are the opening credits montage, and Ryan Reynolds as Wade Wilson(and ONLY as Wade Wilson) and it contradicts a lot of other X-men movie lore/plot lines. Unless they can get a kick outta watching bad movies(and maybe if they plan on eventually watching Deadpool and getting some of the reference jokes), it seems cruel to subject them to that.


I would discount any spin offs for now as it means it’s just going to take longer to get through the core xmen films. None of the spins offs are close to essential viewing to get what’s going on in the core films. Means you can put the wolverine trilogy down as a separate option on another pole

Lee Salvemini

Far out Dawn, insane amount of work you're doing! Bringing a lot of enjoyment to a lot of people here :D I saw first x-men movie when I was like 14. I really liked it but I just wanted MORE haha. Then x-men 2 (no idea how it has aged though) I remember really enjoyed as well :D Oh yeah and First Class + Days of Future Past, fun later sequels/prequels.

Caitlyn Skiff

There are some inconsistencies between the original and the newer movies (remember first class was made a good while after the first X-Men. Here is my suggestion: X-Men, X2: X-Men United, X-Men the last stand, X-Men first class, X-Men days of future past, X-Men apocalypse. I am unfamiliar with the spin offs but this is how I suggest watching the X-Men series.


I would definetly ignore, Origins Wolverine, The Wolverine and Apocalypse. First Class it's pretty good and Logan it's the best in my opinion. It's R - Rated, so you can expect a lot of vicious violence and blood.


Here is the list of all X-men films: 1 X-Men (2000) 2 X2 (2003) 3 X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) 4 X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009) 5 X-Men: First Class (2011) 6 The Wolverine (2013) 7 X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014) 9 X-Men: Apocalypse (2016) 10 Logan (2017) The first 3 films are easy, just watch the first three on the list, these are the original trilogy. After that is where it gets kinda complex because they introduce the spinoff series of films. Personally I would watch Origins wolverine, first class, and Logan. The only films I think are essential to watch are the first 3 X-men films and Logan. Logan is by far the best in my opinion. Feel free to watch Days of future past, The Wolverine, and Apocalypse if you want, but they are not essential IMO. Technicaly the deadpool movies take place in the X-men Universe but they are not really connected to the other X-men movies in any way and are tonally completely different as Deadpool is a comedy. If I were you I would watch the first three films and gauge your fam's interest from there, if they seem really into it then watch all the films, if they seem meh just watch the essentials.


You should start with the first film in the series which is X-Men. It was released in 2000. I think it's best to go in theatrical release order.


You should start with the first film in the series which is X-Men. It was released in 2000. I think it's best to go in theatrical release order.


Please please *please* watch Ep 7 before squeezing something else in! :)

Mitchell Bowker

Looking forward to Ep 7 reaction 🙂 And a random reaction you say? Fingers crossed Interstellar 🤞😄🤞


I would go in order of release because theres a lot of jumping back and forth in the timeline, and it gets confusing when watched out of release order. And dont forget to include the deadpool movies as well, they are apart of this franchise.

Adam Vialpando

I like to think Deadpool is in a continuity all it's own. It's not like it HAS to be part of any specific timeline right? Besides, Deadpool 1 &amp; 2 may be a little much for her mom.


Honestly, the first 3 movies are a bit dated (although X2 is still great, imo) as far as superhero movies go. I think First Class and Days of Future Past are the best in the series. But you really do need to watch at least the the first two movies first. X3 is meh... could skip it if you wanted.


This what I would recommend, too. The Wolverine spinoffs aren't great, in my opinion.

Ian Westcott

Movie list: 1) X-Men 1. It's just ok, but it introduces all the characters, motivations, and the world. Should probably watch. 2) X-Men 2. This movie is still excellent. Watch this! 3) X-Men 3. Don't bother. Sucks. Read a wikipedia plot summary instead. 4) X-Men First Class. Not bad. Introduces the characters. Watch this. 5) Days of Future Past. Excellent movie! Watch watch! 6) X-Men Apocalypse. Meh. It's ok. Optional. 7) X-Men Origins: Wolverine. No, stay away! 8) The Wolverine. Optional. 9) Logan. Yes. By far the best of the X-Men movies.


I'd like to request Titanic and/or Pride and Prejudice (2005)! Popular romance/drama movies once in a while :) Maybe even a poll for these types of movies? Thank you!

Lee Salvemini

Good take on the films. I like hearing how others felt about the different movies :D That opening to X-Men 2 still sticks with me, so well done.


this is Ian Westcott list im using it to be faster, also i put it in the best order to watch them heres the order to watch it Movie list:my opinion on the movies are inside the (). 1) X-Men 1. It's just ok, but it introduces all the characters, motivations, and the world. Should probably watch.(a must watch) 2) X-Men 2. This movie is still excellent. Watch this!(see it) 3) X-Men 3. Don't bother. Sucks. (it sucks but i say you should still wach this so that xmen days of future past makes more sense.) 4)The Wolverine. Optional.(its ok Probably watch it) 5)X-Men First Class. Not bad. Introduces the characters. Watch this. 6)Days of Future Past. Excellent movie! Watch watch! 7) X-Men Apocalypse. Meh. It's ok. Optional.(yeah optional you can skip it) 8) )X-Men Origins: Wolverine. No, stay away!(dont you dare watch this movie its not even a movie) 9) Logan. Yes. By far the best of the X-Men movies. ( this is a very bloody and graphic movie keep this in mind)


I would definitely say original trilogy is the best starting place. The very first movie gives you the best introductions into the X- men universe.

Josh B.

Will we be getting Star Wars tonight?


Theatrical release: 1. X-men 2. X2 United 3. X-men the Last Stand 4. X-men Wolverine Origins 5. X-men First Class 6. The Wolverine 7. X-men Days of Future’s past 8. X-men Apocalypse 9. Logan Chronological Timeline: 1. X-men First Class 2. X-men Days of Future’s past (The past sequences are in this part of the timeline) 3. X-men Apocalypse 4. X-men Origin Wolverine 5. X-men 6. X2 United 7. X-men the Last Stand 8. The Wolverine (Days of Future’s past: the future sequences are in this part of the timeline) 9. Logan I’d say go the theatre release because there are end credit scenes that might confuse you. Just remember the first three cones after the last three like the star wars films. And the wolverine movies are somewhere randomly in between.


definitely theatrical release, please :-)


Not a big fan of the X-Men series as a whole, but I think the standouts are Days of Future Past, First Class, Logan, X2, and the Deadpool movies if you count those. X-Men 1 has aged horribly, X3, Apocalypse, and Origins are terrible, and The Wolverine is just OK. If you're gonna do X-Men, I would start with First Class.


Watch in release order: 1. X-Men 2. X2: X-Men United 3. X-Men: The Last Stand 4. X-Men Origins: Wolverine 5. X-Men: First Class 6. The Wolverine 7. X-Men: Days Of Future Past 8. Deadpool 9. X-Men: Apocalypse 10. Logan 11. Deadpool 2

Pablo diaz

Xmen first class should be first


And you can probably leave out Origins and Last Stand, unless you want to be a completist.