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Hi everyone and thank you for your patience! This video has been rendering and uploading almost all day! Phew! ;)

May the force be with you! Little Anakin is so adorable!! ... crazy to think what's in store for his future...

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Maaaan I hope you guys at least find some enjoyment outta the three prequels. I love them as much as the originals despite their contentious records. I'll just have to watch and see I guess. Can't wait for Episode 3 though. ;p


I’m guessing you guys really enjoyed this movie, which is fine, but I hope y’all don’t get too much hate. The Phantom Menace and Attack of the clones are considered by many to be some of the worst movies ever made. From the acting, emotionless fight scenes, boring politics, effects etc, whatever you feel like it’s your opinion and you shouldn’t get discouraged. A lot of people enjoy Episode 3 though.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Episodes one, two, and three are not among the worst movies ever made. Hardly. I myself love them. They're not nearly as good as the original Star Wars Trilogy, but the actors were all great and so were the stories for the most part. Whoever thinks they're bad enough to be considered some of the worst movies ever made... are crazy. Of course they have a right to their own opinions too, but people shouldn't send hate to those who love them because they disagree with them.

Lee Salvemini

No way, already!? I'm pumped :D I watched episode 1 with my family and cousins when we were around 12 years old at the cinema. Even then, we knew the tone was different, and it didn't have the directing passion of the original. But the lore and designs (and the music is always perfect from John Williams) kept me and my cousin looking at what was 'the prototype to the tie fighter' or a character who fit into the canon somehow. You got brownie points if you knew some story behind the story. So Star Wars again still was in our family. Even my Mum would say may the force be with you at the end of messages sometimes haha. So curious to see your reaction! Getting set up for a watch now ^_^


You would have heard the term sith being used a few times. Sith were originally a red alien species (often with yellow eyes as you see with the Emperor) that intermixed with Dark (bad) Jedi and are basically a type of dark force user. The Sith were driven to virtual extinction in fighting the Jedi/Republic and they had a rule of two so that their plans to overthrow the Jedi would be more successful as Sith in-fighting was a big problem in the lore outside the movies.


I'm not a big fan of the prequels, honestly, but watching this with you makes it that much more enjoyable! Also "Those fast doors are back" cracked me up! But for real, though, the ones on the Death Star should be considered workplace hazards! Can you get a door-insurance in the Star Wars universe? lol

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you for another great reaction! I really love Episodes I, II, and III no matter what everyone else says about them. Of course I love Episodes IV, V, and VI more because I grew up watching them from when I was very young, but overall the prequels are really good too. And like you said, it's great getting the backstories for characters like Obi Wan Kenobi (who is my favorite character in these movies and Ewan McGregor is amazing, not to mention hot to me too), Anakin, Yoda, etc... Thank you again! I look forward to Episode II: The Attack of the Clones. Until next time...


So I could go on a long tangent as t why I love these films, but I'll try to be brief (just got done watching your reactions, fun as always and fair points). Basically I grew up in a time where even admitting you liked these films kind of ostracized you from the Star Wars fandom. I had to pretend I didn't like them, and was bullied by friends, family you name it, because I found these enjoyable. I was a little kid, and looking back at it, they all had serious issues, if that was the reason they got on my back, over three benign movies. However, I forgive the film for many faults. Jar-Jar is really obnoxious, but I can look past him because seeing the vastness of the galaxy that is not all that terribly explored in the originals blows me away. Seeing the Jedi in their prime is awesome, and seeing how they fought against Sith before everything went all Imperial is amazing too. Seeing Anakin go from what he was to what we all know he became is a story you;ll see I won't say anything. And, really even though I don't believe George Lucas when he says he had this all planned from the beginning, I do believe him when he says his movies the first 6, the SAGA are in fact Anakin's story. It begins with Vader in IV, it ends with Vader in VI and it all started because of the slave boy on a desert planet. The definition of a mythic tale. Was it always told well? No, but no story is literally perfect, and I have long since stopped being ashamed of enjoying something some don't. Either way I've rambled, I look forward to Episode II and III with you guys. :)


Akima it was so funny, do you know about when part 2 comes I would like to know :)

Amanda Logsdon

This is perfect timing we just had our first snow day, guess what im doing with it☺. This was my first star wars movie i saw as a kid so it holds a special place, and it is what made obi-wan my favorite star wars character.


RIP Stan Lee


I was gonna go on a rant myself but your message somewhat mirror what I was going to say except for the being bullied part (sorry to hear). I was too fascinated by the start wars universe that I looked past the flaws of the prequels. I really enjoyed watching their reactions for them to see the Jedi at their prime and to discover this millenia old conflict between the Sith and the Jedi, between Light and dark. I can't wait for episode 2 and 3.


Great reaction, really enjoyed it. This isn't a spoiler, but in The Phantom Menace Padme is 14 and Anakin is 9.

Steven Dorsey

One of Samuel L. Jackson's only roles that doesn't include his iconic usage of the word "M**********r!!!!" XD


im glad yall like the prequels! i just can't seem to hate any starwars film!

Steven Dorsey

Also, I can't find the youtube video right now, and probably won't bother later. However, there was a Phantom Menace analysis video back in the day that talked about Characterization in Movies and stuff. It was a sort of "Showing your characters' personalities, rather than relying on telling" sort of thing. And the basis of the video analyzed the fight scene between Darth Maul, Obi Wan Kenobi, and Qui-gon Ginn, where you were shown their personalities by how they waited in that hallway of laser panels. Darth Maul paced back and forth like a Leopard, or some other predator, alert, coiled, ready to strike on his prey and slaughter them. He was placid at the surface, and an inferno underneath, ready to spring. Qui-Gon Jin, I don't know how to spell his surname, he calmly knelt down and began to meditate. He was the calm Jedi finding his center, and maintaining his peace, which is the source of his mental fortitude, and resilience against breaking under pressure. Obi Wan Kenobi, the newer, more inexperienced Jedi that he is, impatiently stands as close to the laser wall as he can, waiting for the second he can spring forth, light saber in hand, and take the fight to the enemy. Where Qui-Gon is disciplined, patient, and seizes the opportunity to reinforce his state of mind, and Maul languished and steeled his resolve by fueling his hatred for his "prey", Obi-Wan showed his recklessness, his impatience, his inexperience as a Jedi. Or something like that.


And its only after Obi-Wan had temper his recklessness and find his center that he was able to defeat Darth Maul.


You and your family have given me an excuse to rewatch this kick-ass movie series. Lookin forward to Episode 2!