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Hi all! Your support here is so important and we are so honored that you care so much to be here, so thank you so much for helping us out!

I wanted to ask if our Patrons wouldn't mind checking to see if their card/donation has been declined. About half of our Patron's cards/donations have been declined... It's awkward to even post this and we absolutely only want the best for everyone and hope everything is ok financially with our Patrons! You all here financially keep us going and it's easy to miss a declined card I've noticed over the months. Our pledge amount on our front page is strictly 'pledges' where the declined donations are still included.

There are just too many declined cards to send out individual messages, so thanks so much for taking the time out to read this :) For those who have had declined cards for so many months with no communication to fix this will be temporarily blocked from seeing our videos here until action is taken. We love you all and we of course will keep creating as much as we financially can!

Thanks so much again for helping us with our channel! You all are truly amazing and we love you all!!! XD


Koala Banana

I always have the deepest sympathy for my fellow poor people. Finding quality entertainment on a low budget isn't easy. But even so, you ought to value your promises more than your entertainment needs. *If* you're purposefully ducking payments please be honest and only pledge money that you are fully capable and willing to pay. These fine ladies are great at customer relations and don't need my help. But I'm here to tell you more directly to cut it out. A pledge is a promise and you should keep yours.


I feel bad about that i went out drinking and forgot to leave $ for the pledge lol.


My card is accepted, so I'm fine


Ive spent like 30 mins trying to pay over PayPal and it wouldn’t work i had to use my visa :/

King Henry Beauclerc

I got the receipt from Patreon so I am good but it hasn't shown up on my card yet so I will check again in a couple of days to make sure.


I also got the receipt from Patreon, so it's good on my end at least. Sorry these things keep happening, guys...

Ian Westcott

I recommend EVERY Patreon subscriber do this, regardless of what warnings you have or have not gotten. I got my Patreon receipt for this month. Everything looked fine. I logged into Patreon and checked my account -- they had a problem with my card that they didn't tell me about. I reentered the card information, and everything was fine, but they flat out LOST some information (like the expiration date) for my card and I had to re-enter it. Log into Patreon and check your account settings!


Thanks for saying this Ian and sorry for the trouble! Honestly, a similar thing happened to me when I was supporting... card and expiration date was fine, but my card was declined because I didn't update my info when they wanted it... and never notified me.. I had to go through settings to see if everything was ok because I was curious. Hope they fix this! Thanks for your support!! :)


Thanks for checking kati! I know most don't mean anything bad by declined cards... mine actually declined once and I was never notified... I happened to go through settings and found out that way even though my card and expiration date were still good. So strange! I'm still humbled by everyone being here and you all are still helping out a great deal so thank you!! :)


Aww, Koala Banana!! Thank you so much for your very kind comment! Any help is a big deal to us and we greatly appreciate that! We do work hard and all of our dedicated fans here really show they care and understand greatly what we do! We love doing this anyway, but financially, this helps us do this more full time :) You're comment warms my heart! Thanks again and have a great day!! :)


LOL, no worries! I don't want anyone to feel bad! Your donation really helps us and honest things happen for sure! Hope you had a good night and feel ok today!! XD Thanks again for your support!


I'm sorry you were having trouble! Thanks so much for your donation!! I never want anyone to stress! Strange that Patreon makes that difficult! I had an issue with Patreon not informing me my card was declined for no reason... everything was fine on my card, but I didn't update the info in a while so it automatically denied it one month. Weird! Thanks again for going through the trouble! Means a lot that you are here!!


Thanks so much, Johnathan!! You are a great fan! Thanks for your support!!!


I got my receipt and i checked my bank account and it has the amount for patreon pending so im pretty sure its good but ill keep an eye on it and make sure it goes though cause i cant live without my Storm Akima reactions❤


you are the only youtuber that I pay patreon for :) Your movie reactions are so fun to watch its like Im watching it with my mom and sisters... if I had more money I would donate more but im on that student wage so moneys super tight...Cant wait for more of you reactions :)

Lee Salvemini

Oh yeah I just noticed mine missed by a day. I just had to change the account, perfection :D Thanks again Storm!! You deserve all the support and more :)


My card consistently takes my money so I assume I'm good. :P